June 1, 1766

1766 June 1 (Sunday).  So very Hoarse with a Cold taken in my Journey home, as I suppose, that I went through such services as I undertook, with great Difficulty.  Omitted Reading.  Repeated a.m. the Application of sermon on Gal. 2.20.  P.M. Delivered the sermon on Ps. 77.13.14 with alterations and additions suited to the present Times of Joy for the Repeal etc.  My own people having had no Discourse concerning it till now.  Dr. Crosby and Miss Betty Gott dined with us.  Mr. Cushing is gone to Shrewsbury.  The Funeral of Mrs. How after the Exercises at Eve.  I could not go.  They had Mr. Martyn with them.

June 3, 1766

1766 June 3 (Tuesday).  Caleb and John begin to Weed the Indian Corn.  Mrs. Cushing and her Son and Daughter leave us.  Mrs. P________ rides to Capt. Maynards with them.  N.B. If it had not been for my Cold, I should have preached to day at the Family Meeting at Mr. Jonah Warrins; but now it is deferred till next Month.

June 6, 1766

1766 June 6 (Friday).  Caleb and John finished Weeding the Indian Corn, at Noon.  P.M. They hoe in the Orchard Fore Yard, East Yard etc.  Mr. Phinehas Maynard comes to inform me that Old Mrs. Hannah Rice widow of the late Mr. Edmund Rice, dy’d in the forenoon — about 93.  She has been a worthy woman — but for some Years greatly impaired; and especially very helpless the last Year or Two.

June 10, 1766

1766 June 10 (Tuesday).  Hemingway a.m., only.  Primes the East room in part.  Caleb helps him — and in white washing.  P.M. Every one goes to the Raising Neighbour Thomas Bonds Barn: 80 feet long.  I visited a.m. Mr. William Nurse and widow Smith.  P.M. at the Raising, and after supper Messrs. Daniel Forb., Edwards Whipple and others move to me a Desire among them to have some other Version of the Psalms to be sung in our Congregation.  But I do not comply with their Desire of my Mentioning of it; Instead of doing it my self, I let them know that if there be a Petition drawn, with Reasons added to support it, and subscribed by a Number of Persons, I would read it publickly and leave it to their Consideration.

June 11, 1766

1766 June 11 (Wednesday).  In Early morning talk with Caleb and Alexander for being out last night.  They answer that they lodged with Foster.  Caleb whitewashes a.m.  Alexander returns home.  Messrs. Martyn and Smith here and dine.  The latter preached my Lecture on Song 1.5.  After Lecture we discourse of Sutton Affair.  C. and J. a while on the Bushes, after Lecture.  Mrs. Maynard and Miss Betty Gott at Tea.  N.B. Great Crying up of the Stafford Spring for curing old Sores and many cronical Disorders.  Capt. Maynard is gone a second Time to it.  Mrs. Johnson is also gone.  Many others are talking of it.

June 12, 1766

1766 June 12 (Thursday).  Foster helps us in digging Stones, with C. and J.  Send by John [Maynard?] for a Bed and Looking Glass, from Boston.  At Eve one Plummer comes Express from New Rutland, with Message signed by Rev. Stephen Williams Moderator of the Council there, requesting me to go there, to give them Light in the Controversies there — but I am too much oppressed with my Cold, and the Communion too nigh for me to think of going up.  The Man goes also to Marlborough to Mr. Smith and to Sir Brigham.  Capt. Maynard and Mrs. Johnson are returned from Stafford.

June 13, 1766

1766 June 13 (Friday).  A Number of Hands are clearing the Burying-place.  Sarah to Southborough yesterday, and brings News that Capt. Jonathan Ward is Sick: but to day we hear he is Dead.  Sir Biglow brings a Letter from Brother Samuel.  Lt. Baker brings 3 lb. of White Lead, to paint the East Room (mixed with other Colouring).  N.B. Mr. Putnam of Pomfret had lodged at Andrews’s, but came here to Breakfast.  Mr. Bowman and Mr. Hezekiah Bellows of Oxford break fast here also.

June 14, 1766

1766 June 14 (Saturday).  Caleb works for Lt. Baker, and John with the mare for Neighbour Nurse.  My son Baldwin here, in his way from Boston, to Brookfield.  At Eve John Maynard brings from Boston a Bed and in it a Looking Glass safe, which we bought when we were last there.  And Mr. John Wood brings 2 Vols. of Pools English Annotations which were Cousen Olivers, and which comes for Rent of Mothers House.

June 15, 1766

1766 June 15 (Sunday).  Read Isa. 25.  Preached a. and p.m. on Tit. 3.8.  P.M. read Luk. 23 from v. 27 to the End.  Administered the Lords supper.  Deacon Bond being at Court, I spoke to Mr. Daniel Forbes, to officiate.  Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Twitchell, dine here.  O that God would keep these Things in the Imagination of our Hearts and that we may be carefull to honour God and our profession by maintaining Good works — which are so good and profit[able?] unto men — to our selves and others, in this Life and another.

June 16, 1766

1766 June 16 (Monday).  Mr. Hemingway here, painting etc.  He dines here.  P.M. Lt. Forbush here with a present of Butter, and is very good and friendly.  I would thank God for it — how good and pleasant etc.  God is pleased to send a plentious Rain when the Earth was grown exceeding dry.  To His Name be Glory and Praise.  C. and J. variously employed — hoeing Beans, setting out Plants etc. etc.  N.B. The nei[gh]bours in mending the Roads, lay a Great Stone, brought by many Oxen, to be the Bridge at Rutters Brook.

June 18, 1766

1766 June 18 (Wednesday).  Squire Barnard, Holland and March of Sutton here — break fast with us.  Want advice — which we give.  Mr. Wheeler of Harvard, preaches the Lecture on Act. 20.21.  Though we have but few proper members of the Association yet there are many Candidates here, viz. Messrs. Fessenden, Moore, Cushing, Brigham, Biglow and afterwards Stewart.

June 19, 1766

1766 June 19 (Thursday).  I went to Southborough, to attend a Fast, appointed by the Pastor and people there on consideration of the various Frowns of Heaven — in the then Drought, Divisions in our State, low state of Religion.  In my Way Met Mr. Andrews accompanying Mr. Cleveland of Chebacco.  See Account of what was said etc. in a paper on purpose.  Messrs. Moore and Cushing [assist?] as Biglow with me.  To Mr. Stones.  Mr. Stone himself began with Prayer.  Then I preached on Isa. 65.24.  P.M. Mr. Bridge both prayed and preach’d.  His Text was Jer. 51.5, “For Israel hath not been forsaken, nor Judah of his God of the Lord of Hosts, though their Land was filled with sin against the Holy one of Israel.”  At Eve return.  Sir Biglow and I call at Mr. Andrews: where where [sic] some Number of people still — with Mr. Cleveland, who I suppose has preached and baptized.  See the Paper aforesaid.  Messrs. Moore, Cushing and Biglow lodge here.

June 20, 1766

1766 June 20 (Friday).  Messrs. Cushing and Biglow leave us after Breakfast.  Mr. Moore dines.  P.M. I rode to Neighbour B. How to try to get him to go to Townshend to work for Billy, but in vain.  Write to Billy by Mr. Moore, who goes to No. 1, next town to Townshend.  By reason of the Rain Caleb and John begin to plow for 2 Hoeing.

June 23, 1766

1766 June 23 (Monday).  Caleb returned about 7 a.m. and went to plowing and Hoeing.  Mr. Chaplin of Sutton and Deacon Greenwood here.  Mr. Fessenden brings me Mather on the Lords prayer which I read out.  Squire Barnard here and dines.  I delivered him the Letter of the last Association.  Squire Whipple here about Billys Affair with [illegible]dish.  I wrote to Billy to inform him of the Necessity of either Coming, or else Send a power of Attorney, before he draws a writ.  John to Mill at Eve.

June 25, 1766

1766 June 25 (Wednesday).  I preached Mr. Martyns Lecture on Ps. 57.7.  My Wife with me and Mr. Fessenden there also at Dinner with us.  After Exercise, Mr. Abraham Rice and his New Marryed Wife, the late deacon Matthias’s widow, there.  N.B. We went to See the Corn Mill which Mr. Martyns sons had newly erected.  We were at Capt. Maynards as we returned at Eve.  C. and J. finish 2d hoeing.

June 26, 1766

1766 June 26 (Thursday).  Caleb began to mowe my English Grass, a.m. and tends it p.m.  John, at their importunity, goes to help Neighbour Nurse’s Labourers.  I held a Catechetical Exercise, on the Reason annexed to the 5th Commandment and on the 6th.  There were but 22 Young Women attended.  Two of them came So late as not to say.  N.B. Eliza Beals desires her Relation, and I lent it to her.

June 27, 1766

1766 June 27 (Friday).  Caleb mows a.m.  John hoes at Nurse’s.  P.M. Caleb and I pole in some of the Hay.  Mrs. Haws, in her Feebleness rides in their Chair here.  Mrs. P. rides to Mr. Tainter.  Mr. Fessenden here.  Mrs. Hills here to see her sister Haws.  Much Interruption in my Studys.  Mr. Fessenden designs to go to Lancaster; wrote again to Billy by him.

June 28, 1766

1766 June 28 (Saturday).  Caleb, to gratifie Neighbour Foster, who has not done his Corn, works for him to Day.  John takes Care of the Hay at Home, and shutts up the Mischievous Fowls, of which we have many, and they have greatly picked and destroyed the Cabbages etc.  I am a great deal indisposed, dull and heavy.  The Lord pity, pardon, [reuse?] and help me!

June 29, 1766

1766 June 29 (Sunday).  Mr. Temple and Edwards Whipple, a little After midnight came to request me to go to the young Child of the former, being in Extremity; and to baptize it.  [Cor sursum?] I committ the whole to God and went.  Take Squire Whipple and Brother Solomon Baker, with us.  Found Neighbours Edmund and Seth Rice, Thad Warrin and Mr. Bruer there, and 2 young Women.  The Brethren of the Church and Neighbours judged the Child would not live to be carryed to a public Assembly; and desired with the Parents, it might be baptized (the Mother having Right).  We attended the Solemnity, and it was baptized Martha.  I formed Some suitable Addresses.  Returned.  Slept.  Performed the public Services.  Read Isa. 26.  Preached on v. 1.2.  P.M. read Luk. 24.  Preached again on Mat. 1.21.  Mrs. Betty Gott dined here.