September 25, 1765

1765 September 25 (Wednesday).  Mr. Asaph Rice brings Letter Missive from the Church in Westminster requesting Assistance in his Ordination.  He dines with us.  P.M. leaves us.  Squire Harwood here.  Mr. Nathaniel Ball brings a Letter from Cousen Loyd to his Wife, of the Sickness of their Child, and desiring her to go down forthwith.  We are in some Confusion upon it, being unprovided as to any Means of her Conveyance.  Therefore wrote to him this Evening by Jonah Stow.  Mr. Zebulun Rice here, with two Letters for me to read — one from him to Mr. J______s May______d of Shrewsbury, and the other Mr. May______ds Answer concerning Predestination.  Thomas mowing Bushes.