September 18, 1765

1765 September 18 (Wednesday).  We arrived at Brother Samuels and dined there.  P.M. I made several visits to Friends — but especially went to see the Desolations at Mr. Hutchinsons.  Went over all the House and to Mr. Eliots, where were many of his Honours Books and Papers, saved from the dreadful Ruin.  Visit Cousen Oliver — can’t hide my self from my own Flesh.  I pityed her — and, though she owes me, I could not but do Something towards relieving her and hers.  Was at Mr. Quincys and Holbrooks.  The latter went with me to Mr. Surcombs, where we supped.  Lodged at Brother Samuels.  I find the people in Boston have little rest in the Minds.  Sad Disquietments with his Excellency, who generally lives at the Castle: and sad Misgivings, at the Apprehension of that dark Day, Nov. 1.