September 1, 1765

1765 September 1 (Sunday).  I am So much taken up in my preparations for the p.m. Exercise that I am but Slenderly prepared for the a.m. but took with me a Set of Discourses on the 4th v. of the Chapt.  But when I was engaged (it being Isaiah 1st) I found so much to say without the help of any former Composure, that I could not break off, under an Hour — though I had but few and broken Hints, which were the prophets in general and on this prophet — and nothing writ on the Chapter however I opened etc.  Mrs. Maynard and little Gott dined with us.  P.M. Read Luk. 6 to v. 26.  I preached (as by reason of what lately occurred in Boston, I thought my Self in Duty bound) on 1 Pet. 2.13 — which I beg of God to bless to us — as we do exceedingly need Instructions of this kind.  At Eve read Mr. Bolton, in the 6th and 7th Chap. of the Part before mentioned.

September 2, 1765

1765 September 2 (Monday).  What Mr. Quincy had writ in his late Letter, induced me to read Sallusts History of Cataline’s Conspiracy:  Translated by Mr. Rowe.  I have also the original to compare, when I incline to.  Thomas fetches my Oxen from Mr. Tainters where they have been for some time.  Thomas and John plow a while at the Island — and before noon break off to go to preparing for getting Sand.  This they accomplish p.m.: and bring a good Load.  Sarah went to Mr. Chamberlins.

September 4, 1765

1765 September 4 (Wednesday).  No work abroad to Day by reason of the Rain.  Disappointed of Help hoped for, in my Lecture.  Must prepare my self.  May God be pleased to assist!  without Whom I can do Nothing.  I preached on Rev. 5.6, “And I behold, and lo — a Lamb, as it had been Slain.”  Master Cushing here after Meeting.  Lend him Sundry Books.

September 6, 1765

1765 September 6 (Friday).  Thomas and John harrow.  Sow one Bush. Wheat, which I have of Mr. Tainter.  Read Bishop Hoadley’s Measures of Submission to the civil Magistrate, and am preparing on that Subject.  My Wife to Capt. Maynards.  Capt. Griffin of Oxford dined with me.  P.M. Molly returns from Boston — Hannah Forbes with her, and Mr. Silas Crosby and Wife.  The latter all go to their Fathers.

September 8, 1765

1765 September 8 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. on Ps. 83.3 — thy hidden Ones.  Made great Use of Sermon on Col. 3.3, viz. from p. 19 to p. 24.  For my other Sermon engrossed all my Time — my reading upon the Subject and writing so much — double the pages of an Ordinary Sermon.  I administered the Lords supper, and Daughter Forbes with us.  Good old Deacon Forbes, Mr. Kendal and his Wife, and Mrs. Maynard dined with us.  P.M. preached again on 1 Pet.  I was obliged to speak very fast and a great while, to deliver it.  May the Lord prosper and Succeed it, to His own Glory.  N.B. Read a.m. Isa. 2.  P.M. omit reading because it was late and sermon like to be long.  My Daughter Baldwin so poorly, She was not able to go to Meeting.

September 9, 1765

1765 September 9 (Monday).  My Daughters undertake their Journey towards Brookfield, and Mrs. P________ and I go with them as far as Mr. Sumners, to make a Visit there.  Mrs. Sumner ill.  My Daughters proceed: Hannah Forbes with them, but we dine at Mr. Sumners where was Mr. Conklin.  We called at Mrs. Cushings.  Tea at Capt. Allins.  Borrowed Henry on the Gospel, there.  Returned at Eve.  Mr. Barrett had come here, and Dr. Wilson with him.  Thomas and John Clearing in Maynard Meadow.

September 11, 1765

1765 September 11 (Wednesday).  Mrs. Maynard having watched with Mrs. Wheelock, comes to Breakfast with us.  Thomas clears; John at Cutting stalks.  P.M. they take up stalks.  I read variously — especially the Excellent Mr. R. Boltons “right Comforting afflicted Consciences” — and Dr. Hunts Essay towards Explaining the History and Revelations of the Scriptures.

September 12, 1765

1765 September 12 (Thursday).  I catechized at the Meeting House.  Had 57 Boys.  P.M. had 33 Girls.  May God be pleased to bless my poor weak Endeavours with them for their Saving Good!  Thomas and John are about the Stalks and Clearing.  Very Cool Air, towards Night.  My Daughters rode to Marlborough and returned at Eve.  N.B. I was at Mr. Wheelocks to see his Wife, but she was, I Suppose, asleep, and therefore did only See her.

September 13, 1765

1765 September 13 (Friday).  The Frost last night was So great as to kill the Leaves of the Grape-Vine etc.  I am much oppressed with a great Cold: yet can attend my Studys.  Received a Bushel of Wheat of Capt. Maynard, which Thomas and John harrowed in, at the Island.  Brother Hicks dines here.  He has commenced an Action against Judge Danforth and wants to look into the News Letters of the Year 1746 for Something relative to the Case, viz. of an assessment of the Partners in Land Bank.  We walk over the Mr. Nurse’s, who is come up from Marblehead and brings News of great rejoicings in Boston for fresh advices from London about the Change of the Ministry, and likelihood to recover from our Fears about our Privileges.  A Sad Noise in this Parish about Neighbour Joseph Rice and his Wife.  She has run off — has Sworn against her Husband — but is at present hid.  I visited Mrs. Wheelock.  She grows worse, I think; I prayed with her, but She said little.  When I returned home Mr. Beeman and his Wife came in, and brought me a Letter from Mr. Manning of Providence.  The Occasion was, Thomas Cook was found to be the Thief who entered Mr. Beemans House on the Lords Day and Stole a variety of Goods from them.  He had been in Jail in Providence for Some Time, for other the like Crimes.  N.B. Mrs. Gale brought me £37.9 old Tenor.

September 16, 1765

1765 September 16 (Monday).  Jejun. priv.  Thomas and John Clearing at the Island.  At Eve I visited Mrs. Wheelock and prayed with her.  Visited also Mrs. Rice (wife of Adonijah) and prayed there.  N.B. The Young Men met this Evening on account of an unhappy Difference between two of them.  They could not issue it.  They Sent for me.  I went.  I brought ‘em together and they parted in Peace.  To God be Glory!

September 18, 1765

1765 September 18 (Wednesday).  We arrived at Brother Samuels and dined there.  P.M. I made several visits to Friends — but especially went to see the Desolations at Mr. Hutchinsons.  Went over all the House and to Mr. Eliots, where were many of his Honours Books and Papers, saved from the dreadful Ruin.  Visit Cousen Oliver — can’t hide my self from my own Flesh.  I pityed her — and, though she owes me, I could not but do Something towards relieving her and hers.  Was at Mr. Quincys and Holbrooks.  The latter went with me to Mr. Surcombs, where we supped.  Lodged at Brother Samuels.  I find the people in Boston have little rest in the Minds.  Sad Disquietments with his Excellency, who generally lives at the Castle: and sad Misgivings, at the Apprehension of that dark Day, Nov. 1.

September 19, 1765

1765 September 19 (Thursday).  I leave Suse at Brother Samuels and take Mrs. Loyd with Me.  Pay Mr. McAlpine for binding Two Volumes of Election sermons and a smaller Volume of Mr. Edwards’s Pieces, viz. his humble Attempt, Marks of the Spirit etc. and bought Rutherfords Letters and Zions Traveller.  Reached Weston before we dined, which was at Mr. Goddards.  Called at Mr. Browns but did not see Alexander.  Was at Coll. Buckminsters but made no stay.  It was Eve when we got to Mr. Stones — Mrs. Loyd being tender, we tarryed there.  N.B. old Mrs. Thatcher there also.

September 25, 1765

1765 September 25 (Wednesday).  Mr. Asaph Rice brings Letter Missive from the Church in Westminster requesting Assistance in his Ordination.  He dines with us.  P.M. leaves us.  Squire Harwood here.  Mr. Nathaniel Ball brings a Letter from Cousen Loyd to his Wife, of the Sickness of their Child, and desiring her to go down forthwith.  We are in some Confusion upon it, being unprovided as to any Means of her Conveyance.  Therefore wrote to him this Evening by Jonah Stow.  Mr. Zebulun Rice here, with two Letters for me to read — one from him to Mr. J______s May______d of Shrewsbury, and the other Mr. May______ds Answer concerning Predestination.  Thomas mowing Bushes.

September 26, 1765

1765 September 26 (Thursday).  Thomas with my and with Capt. Woods Oxen draws off Stones from the Ground near Mr. Nurses.  Jonas Kenny helps him, and dines here.  I am at my preparations a.m.  Visit p.m. old Mrs. Hannah Rice.  At Eve came Mr. Loyd and my Daughter Suse.  Little Dorcas Loyd very bad — and ‘tis feared will die.  A pair of Cast Iron Dogs of Mr. Wood.  Weight 33 3/4 @ 15d.

September 30, 1765

1765 September 30 (Monday).  Thomas still preparing the Ground for plowing.  Visit Mrs. W. and prayed with her.  Billy came from Townshend and goes to Medfield.  P.M. Mr. Martyn and Fessenden make me a Visit.  Also Mrs. Instant, Mrs. Patty Smith and Suse Low, from Marlborough, accompanyed by Mrs. Maynard and her sister.  At Eve two young men from Cambridge, viz. Thomas Barrett and William Manning.  Mr. Hall also from Sutton, with two young Ladies, his Daughter, Miss Hannah, and Miss Eliphal Swift — the last five lodged here.