January 27, 1765

1765 January 27 (Sunday).  So exceeding Cold we have hardly ever known it Colder.  But partly through my Watch’s going too fast, partly because I saw some persons were come, and I thought they would be uneasy if I was late, I went too early to Meeting, and waited some time before I began — by which means I was too much chilled to prolong the Exercise.  I read a little part of Prov. 30 after Singing and gave some Exposition of it — and chiefly insisted on v. 8.  Came home some time before noon; my fingers hurting as if touched with Frost.  Deacon Tainter, Master Cushing, Mr. Haven and Mrs. Maynard dined with us.  P.M. Omitt Reading by reason of the Extremity of the Season.  Preached on Mat. 17.10 to 13.  Dr. Crosby here after Exercise.  Mr. Haven lodges here.  At Eve read another chapter of Mr. Bolton.