January 22, 1765

1765 January 22 (Tuesday).  I rode to Marlborough.  As I went, I called at Mr. Andrews’s in Conformity to his Message last Week to me by Capt. Wood.  They treated me with more Decency and Civility.  Their minds were much the same in General.  But there were strangers come in — and more kept coming, so that I did not care to tarry in warm debate and contest, in their hearing.  We drew up no determinations.  He would not come to my House for an hearing of our Affair, before men to be Judges between us, and I told ‘em I Should not come there, it being a Tavern and liable to continual Interruption.  With this I left them.  Dined at Mr. Smiths with Miss Patty and Suse.  Their F. is gone to Shrewsbury.  Was at Coll. Williams and wrote a line further to Brother Breck concerning the Administration on Brother Samuels Estate.  Called at Mr. Amsden’s as I came home.