1760 April 13 (Sunday). In obedience to Mat. 5.23.24 I sent Breck early in the Morning with a brief Line to Mr. Ebenezer Rice. Read Job 16 and 1 Cor. 2. Preached a.m. on Isa. 55.3, latter part. P.M. Repeated on 1 Cor. 15.26, which was the more seasonable on Consideration of the late Death of Mr. Eleazar Williams, his Father and widow being greatly bowed down under that mournful Bereavement. Mr. Ithamar Bellows’s wife dined with us. At Eve read in the Family the sermon in the morning Exercise by Mr. Adams, on Hell — and was much impressed with what he says of the Extremity and Eternity of the Punishments of the Damned, together with the Confirmation thereof. May God be pleased to bless it for saving Good!