February 4, 1760

1760 February 4 (Monday).  My Wife probably hurts her Health by her rising so much before Day.  Yet I highly commend and am used to early rising.  Dr. Moses Baker here p.m.  Also 3 Young French Men.  One of them Edward Robishow of Cambridge.  At Eve young Mr. Tainter, his Wife and Miss Mary Whitney made us a visit, and Supped here.  As did also the Widow How.

February 5, 1760

1760 February 5 (Tuesday).  My Wife and I rode to Mr. Daniel Hardys to the Private Meeting.  I preached on Mat. 24.12 to page 11, and though it was a rainy dark Day, yet there was a good Number attended.  At Night Mr. Forb. of Brookfield comes from Boston.  He had kept sabbath there.  He preached for Mr. Eliot a.m., for Dr. Sewall p.m.  For the latter he received 10£ old Tenor.

February 6, 1760

1760 February 6 (Wednesday).  Mr. Forb. went to see his Father.  P.M. he rode to his Aunt Holloways.  Mr. Batherick and Mr. Daniel Adams came to work to make me a Sleigh.  I rode to Mr. Whitneys to get some turned work and dined there.  Visit LeBlanc.  N.B. Delivered Mr. Forb. 2 Dollars on the 29th last, for my Son Ebenezer on Account of an Hat which Mr. Forb. bought for him.

February 7, 1760

1760 February 7 (Thursday).  Mr. Batheric and Adams on the Sleigh.  Sarah and Suse ride to Capt. Maynards.  Mr. Fessenden having come to visit me last Evening, it was too dark and muddy for him to return to his Lodging.  Therefore he tarried and lodged here.  This morning goes to his School, but he Seems not to be well.  Mr. Ebenezer Wheeler with his Wife’s Verses on the Death of his son.

February 9, 1760

1760 February 9 (Saturday).  Master Fessenden sick o’Bed — therefore the Boys return again.  P.M. Mr. Ebenezer Wheeler brings the Thursdays Paper Extraordinary by which it appears that there are Insurrections in Old France, urging Peace with England — and remarkable Speech from the British Throne, expressing the Goodness of God to the Nation in the Remarkable successes of the Last Year.  D.G.

February 10, 1760

1760 February 10 (Sunday).  Mr. Joseph Baker calls up my Wife at 3 o’Clock in the Morning to assist his Wife in her Labour.  Read Job 8, Rom. 10.  Preached a.m. on Song 6.10, carrying on the Subject of Last Lords Day.  P.M. was not prepared with a New sermon by Means of the Interruptions and Avocations of the Last Week — (but may God forgive my Negligence through Jesus Christ!) On Consideration of the News from Europe preached on Deut. 32.15 with some Alterations.  At Eve Merchant Rice sent for me to Visit him being Sick of a Fever.  And I accordingly went.  My Wife did not return till nigh midnight from Mrs. Baker.

February 11, 1760

1760 February 11 (Monday).  Visit Mr. Solomon Baker and Wife.  Meet Mrs. Abigail Whipple going to her Daughter Warrin (though not sent for), her Daughter having Sent for Women last night.  And was delivered about Midnight, though her Mother had not heard of it.  An Heart-breaking Thing to the Poor Parents!  I visited Master Fessenden in his sickness, at Mr. Whipples — while I sat there Alex came for me, Mr. Stone being at our House.  I therefore returned — he lodges here.  Is in great Trouble by Reason of the Contentions in Southborough.  Is so worn out that he read a paper to the Church there last Lords Day in which he proposed to ‘em to give up the principal Vote against the Young People who had not Submitted them Selves — And left it to Consideration and was come to advise with me about it.  I could not but be surprized at Such a Proposal, especially so Suddenly.

February 12, 1760

1760 February 12 (Tuesday).  Mr. Stone and I (at his Request), ride over to Mr. Martyns, and we dined there.  Mr. Martyn as much surprized with and as much against the abovesaid Proposal as I.  We advise him ra[ther?] to withdraw it — and to have a Church Meeting, or a Council than go into this Measure, as their Circumstances are.  I visit Mr. Ebenezer Rice.  Was with Silas Frost at Eve.  Agree with him to get Posts, trim apple Trees.  N.B. Mr. Solomon Baker p.m. trims in my old Orchard.

February 13, 1760

1760 February 13 (Wednesday).  Alex and Breck thrash Rye one Day after another.  Capt. Jonas Brigham here and acquaints me with Sorrowful Accident of his Brother Levi’s.  About 9 this Morning his son Joseph fell from an Hay-Mow in the Barn; by which he dyed presently.  The Lad was in his 13th year.  May God sanctify it to those that are most nearly concerned and to all round about, but especially to poor thoughtless Youth!  Mr. Francis Robishow and his sister Anne, Modesty Landre and one Dowsett, waited upon by Peter and Ammon Blanc, here.  Mr. John Maynard brings me the Copy of his Wife’s Oath against him, taken before Judge Ward; but he (as he says) not notifyed.

February 14, 1760

1760 February 14 (Thursday).  Read Dr. John Brown’s Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times.  A piece, for Sentiment and Dichon, Seasonableness and Impartiality, highly deserving.  Deacon Tainter fitting Thills to my sleigh.  Mr. Joseph Briant junior from Stoneham.  Mr. Robert Cook from Wrentham here, and renews his Desire that he may be recommended in Order to his Children being baptized — or if that may not be done, that his Wife may be, or that the Children may be baptized here, upon her Account.

February 15, 1760

1760 February 15 (Friday).  Attended the Funeral of Joseph Brigham.  Viewed the Place where the Lad had his Death’s Wound.  He jumped from a Parcel of Hay on the South Scaffold of the Barn, upon the Mow in the Bay, which being hollow underneath by the pulling away Hay for the Cattle; and Hay having been taken away from the Top of the mow, it was become thin, he fell through, and his Head, most probably, Struck against the Ground cil before where the Cattle stood; his Head when his Father came to him being under the Cill, and Blood came out of his Right Ear.  I gave Some Exhortation and Warning there, to Children and Youth.  At night came my son Baldwin from Boston.  He informs me that My Kinsman Winter was marryed last night to My Cousen Mary Langdon, Widow.

February 19, 1760

1760 February 19 (Tuesday).  I visited Mr. Joseph Greens Daughter Sarah who is in a languishing Condition.  Prayed there.  Mr. Abraham Knowlton there, With whom I have some Conversation concerning the Troubles in the Church of Shrewsbury to which he belongs, respecting Some additional Expressions to their Church’s Covenant.  Wrote to Mr. Winter by Deacon Tainter.  Visited old Mr. Fay and his Wife; and their son and his Wife being ill (as I heard), I the rather made a Visit to them, but Ensign Fay, though he was at the Barn, he did not come in.  Was also to see Mrs. Baker in her New Circumstances.

February 21, 1760

1760 February 21 (Thursday).  Mr. Simon Tainter and Mr. Benjamin Carter, of Sutton here, and acquaint me with their Present state.  Their Parish having of late had a Meeting in which they dismissed (as they who did it supposed) Mr. Welman.  My Wife p.m. visits young Mrs. Baker.  Deacon Tainter returns from Boston with a Team.  His Horses took a start in Framingham and he is wounded sorely in both his Leggs, by the Horses kicking him with their Corks.

February 24, 1760

1760 February 24 (Sunday).  Read Job 10, Rom. 12.  Preached a. and p.m. on Isa. 55.1, former part.  Mr. Fessenden dined here.  Stopped the Brethren of the Church to read a Letter from the Church in Cold Spring Signed by Rev. Justus Forward.  No Vote to Comply.  Nor Reason given though the Church were repeatedly desired.  Layed before them the Request of Robert Cook that his Wife might be recommended.  This last was voted.