1758 December 31 (Sunday). The God of Patience has brought us along through the Changes of another Year to the concluding Day of it; and, with all our other Mercys, permitts us to enjoy our Spiritual Privileges and Advantages. Our Sabbaths reach to the End of the Year. To His Name be Honor and Glory! And that whilst there have been So many Tumults in other parts of the Christian World, We enjoy our Sabbaths and solemnitys without Molestation. This Day we publickly read 2 Chr. 34 and Joh. 19 from v. 23 — to the End. Preached on 2 Cor. IV.17 a. and p.m. The Widow Thurston and Miss Betty Johnson dined here. After our Evening Exercises in the Family we read Sir Mathew Hale’s Contemplations — particularly the Great Audit and Account of the Good Steward. A very Solemn and awakening Subject — which although I had read I Suppose many Years ago, yet those articles are very moving and I wish we may be favoured with a lasting Impression. I had given to my Family an Affectionate Exhortation and Charge after our Evening Family Exercise — which may God keep alive in all their Hearts! And now may this concur to raise up and enliven the most serious reflections and Resolutions. That we may end the Year as we would desire to end our Lives. O that it might be in the true, holy Fear of God, and may the Special Grace of God magnifyed towards us! I go to bed with deep humblings for long unprofitableness — and deep Concern about how it will be with me at my concluding Hour. But I would in all humility committ my Self to a most gracious God relying on His infinite Mercy, and the Merits of the glorious Redeemer!