December 14, 1758

1758 December 14 (Thursday).  A storm of Snow last night and troublesome Travelling this morning, but (with Lt. Rolf’s Horse) I rode over (and alone though I took no Small Pains for Company) to Upton, it being Fast there on Account of the Throat Distemper.  No Others were sent to than Mr. Hutchinson and I — he came So late that Mr. Fish and I were obliged to perform the forenoon Service.  I preached on Micah 6.9.  Mr. Hutchinson p.m. on Mic. 6.9.  It proved a very pleasant Day and moderate Eve.  I rode home — had Deacon Tainters, his wife’s and Daughter Forb. Company.  When I came home Billy was returned from Boston — and Capt. Wood here.