October 30, 1758

1758 October 30 (Monday).  This Parish met to See whether they would Settle my Sallery and get me my Wood this Year: and sent a Committee to me, Messrs. David Maynard and Ephraim Bruce, to desire me to go to the Meeting House.  They said they wanted to know what would satisfie and Content me.  I went and spoke to them to this Effect.  That I mov’d for no Addition at present, during this Time of Distress and Trouble with them on account of the public Calamities: for that I heartily Sympathized with them, that Indeed I desired my maintenance among them might not be left at the loose rate that it had been heretofore; it being (as I apprehended) greatly to the dishonor of God and hurt of Religion, greatly to their own dishonor and the Damage of their own Spiritual Interests — and the Objection that I know of against settling it of no force — but since I had understood that that was not the point to be laboured, they having got over that — (for so it was represented to me) I would not insist on it.  And as to the how much, Since the Times were now peculiar they might do this, pitch upon a Medium which might be satisfactory on both sides — that if they were distressed might be considered on my part but if there should be peace and they Should be prospered and blessed and my Circumstances called for it, they might add to me accordingly.  It grew late, there were but few there.  When I left them they soon voted to do as they had done — and so left it as they found it — 500£ old Tenor including for my Wood, which I might get as I pleased.  N.B. Capt. Wood here at Evening.  Also Capt. Tainter from Watertown.