October 14, 1758

1758 October 14 (Saturday).  Thomas rode to Marlborough to wait upon Mrs. Anna Brigham up here; but She was engaged in taking Care of a poor sick woman, one Mrs. Kitchin, a Wife of one of the Regulars, who was trying to go to her Husband, but was taken ill upon the way; So that Mrs. Brigham did not come.  N.B. One Edward Lyscomb of Taunton, a Soldier in Coll. Doly’s Regiment, was here in his way home: He had been under Coll. Bradstreet at the taking of Cataraqui and Fort Frontignac; and had divers of the Spoils which they had taken from the French.  At night Mr. Bliss called at the Door, in his way to Grafton, Mr. Hutchinson being gone to Concord.  N.B. Mrs. Matthews here with her Relation.