1758 January 25 (Wednesday). Billy left us to go to Brookfield. He rode up Mr. Forb.’s Horse. His Company were Thomas Hardy and William Wood. We had the sorrowful Tidings of the Death of Mrs. Margaret Miller, wife of Ensign James Miller. She was heretofore the Wife of Mr. Nehemiah How of Grafton, who was carried away Captive from the great Meadows. Her maiden Name was Willard, Daughter of Capt. Benjamin Willard. A Woman of many Vertues. Her Death is not only a great Loss to me and mine, but to all the Place. May the god of all Grace Sanctifie it to me and mine, to the bereaved Ensign (who is under great Infirmitys by the Palsey) and to all the Relatives and Neighborhood! Mr. Oliver Carter from Leominster dined here. He wants Copys of Several Papers, brought into our Council, viz. Number 9 and 14.