January 1, 1758

1758 January 1 (Sunday).  Surely great is the Mercy and Goodness of God that not only continues my Life but the Day and means of Grace.  It is yet an Accepted Time and Day of Salvation.  O might I know and improve the Things of my Eternal Peace before they are hid from My Eyes!  Blessed be God for another Christian Sabbath!  Read 1 Chron. 23.  Having had no Time at all to prepare, repeated Sermon on 2 King. 20.1 which I composed in the Year (26).  I chose this Subject partly on Consideration of the New Year, and partly Mrs. Maynards Death.  P.M. read Luk. 12 — v.30.

January 5, 1758

1758 January 5 (Thursday).  Mrs. Anne Brigham came from Marlborough.  I payed her 20£ old Tenor.  Judge Ward here.  P.M. I preached at the Widow Joanna Forb. on Ps. 51.11 from page 9 to 16.  Sarah with me.  Visited at Mr. Hammonds in my Return.  N.B. I had Sent an Earnest Note to Mr. Ebenezer Forb. the Collector for money, while Mrs. Brigham was here; but without Success.  But at Evening when She was gone he came and brought £22.10.old Tenor.

January 7, 1758

1758 January 7 (Saturday).  Sent Breck with the old Mare to Lt. Rolf.  Mr. Batherick, who takes Care of the New Horse comes on purpose to acquaint me with the Character the Horse has for a breachy and troublesome Creature.  Neighbour Barney Newton has brought up Word that my dear Brother is living, and like to recover.  Mr. Tim Warren here with Wood, and tells me a grievous Story of his Disquietment with the School-Mistress, Mrs. Mary — but I am not willing to take any further notice of it at present, though, it Seems, it makes a great Noise in their Neighbourhood.  N.B. Mr. Cornelius Biglow junior here to acquaint me he is going to carry Mrs. Grace Barns 50£.  And I wrote to her by him.

January 9, 1758

1758 January 9 (Monday).  I have Still Ensign Willards Horse in keeping; and rode him to Mr. Tim Warrins where I left him, and took a Young Mare of his to ride upon Trial to Marlborough.  Went to the Widow Barn’s, and hired money of her, viz. the 50£ Old Tenor of which I wrote to her on the 7th.  When I returned home Mr. Joseph Gilbert of Brookfield came with an Horse he led down (viz. Mr. Forbush’s) to wait upon Mrs. Lydia Champney — whereas She has not been conducted here yet.

January 10, 1758

1758 January 10 (Tuesday).  I delivered to Mr. Joseph Gilbert 56£ 5 S. in one parcell: 50£ in another — both old Tenor for my son Ebenezer and 10 Dollars more for my son Baldwin.  When he left us, he left Mr. Forbush’s Horse here, for Thomas to go to Boston and wait upon Miss Lydia Champney.  I rode to Mrs. Mary Stewards, and dined there — to Mrs. Dunlops and engaged Mrs. Patty to nurse my Wife.  Visit old Mrs. Wood who is confined by reason of a Fall from her Horse.  Visit Mrs. Miller who is also Sick.  Returned in the Evening in a snow Storm.

January 11, 1758

1758 January 11 (Wednesday).  Sent back to Capt. Wood the Young Horse which he bought of Ensign Willard of Grafton; having understood that he was too breachy for me to keep.  Mr. Smith of Marlborough came up to See us though it rained — and knew not of our Lecture.  Mr. Stone and his Brother Thatcher came also.  They dined with us.  Mr. Thatcher preached on Luke 13.3.  This Lecture was appointed as a Special — on Account of the peculiar Situation of our Public Affairs both in Europe and America: For we may now apprehend the states and Powers which have the management of our public Affairs, are engaged in their Consultations; on which the important Events of the Ensuing Year will, under God, depend.  We ought therefore to wait upon God in the way of Devotion and Endeavours of Reformation.  And To be sure it is not unapposite in me to promote these Things, when my lately printed Discourse is about this Time more generally in the Hands of people.  May God Himself be pleased to quicken and assist and Succeed me a poor worthless insufficient Creature!  And prosper his Ministers and all His Servants engaged in this great Work!  Particularly what we heard this Day in the Serious, pungent Sermon delivered by his Servant Thatcher!  The Rain prevented the Ministers returning home till past nine at night.  Mr. Thatchers Horse had broke away to Southborough.  He therefore rode Mr. Smiths, and Mr. Smith lodged here.

January 13, 1758

1758 January 13 (Friday).  I was glad to See Mr. LeBlanc and his Son Joseph (from Cambridge) who made us a Visit and dined here, but it was so great an Interruption through the principal part of the Day that I could heartily wish that they had taken another Time.  Old judge Ward, also came.  Billy undertakes Something of building a Stable in the Barn.

January 19, 1758

1758 January 19 (Thursday).  Rode to Grafton to See an Horse of Mr. Nat. Flagg.  Dined at Mr. Hutchinsons.  Visited DuGas, the French mans Family.  And Mr. Hutchinson and I visited Mr. Prentice.  Mr. Flagg (being Sent for) brought his Horse, and Charles Brigham Esq. came with a Mare of his to be sold.  Supped at Winchesters and returned home.  N.B. visit widow Grout and Mr. Jonathan Fay.

January 21, 1758

1758 January 21 (Saturday).  At Eve came Dr. Gott and William Wood from Brookfield who bring me Letters from my Son Ebenezer who tells me he has received the Money which was sent by Joseph Gilbert; that he has bargained for the Gilbert place and received a Deed of it.  I was greatly perplexed about my preparations and obliged to give up my attempts on the 2d Sermon.  Went to bed in much sorrow and Grief under So unsupportable a Burden.  Was grievously exercised in my Sleep — especially in a Dream of the assaults of Satan.  N.B. My Wife in great pain.

January 22, 1758

1758 January 22 (Sunday).  Another Snow storm, and Cold.  Read part of Ch. 26 of 1 Chron.  Preached on Rom. 8.28.  Those words especially — The Called according to His purpose.  P.M. read Luk. 14 and preached on 2 Pet. 2.4 of Evil Angels.  Used the sermon on Ps. 2.6 in the Discourses of the Government of Christ begun on Isa. 9.6.  O that God would pardon my great Defects, and accept and Bless my broken and imperfect Endeavours!

January 25, 1758

1758 January 25 (Wednesday).  Billy left us to go to Brookfield.  He rode up Mr. Forb.’s Horse.  His Company were Thomas Hardy and William Wood.  We had the sorrowful Tidings of the Death of Mrs. Margaret Miller, wife of Ensign James Miller.  She was heretofore the Wife of Mr. Nehemiah How of Grafton, who was carried away Captive from the great Meadows.  Her maiden Name was Willard, Daughter of Capt. Benjamin Willard.  A Woman of many Vertues.  Her Death is not only a great Loss to me and mine, but to all the Place.  May the god of all Grace Sanctifie it to me and mine, to the bereaved Ensign (who is under great Infirmitys by the Palsey) and to all the Relatives and Neighborhood!  Mr. Oliver Carter from Leominster dined here.  He wants Copys of Several Papers, brought into our Council, viz. Number 9 and 14.

January 27, 1758

1758 January 27 (Friday).  I have been daily engaged in my preparations for the Sabbath and with some Success.  D.G.  I dined early and walked to Capt. Wood and rode with him in his Slay to Ensign Millers, to the Sorrowful Funeral of his Wife.  May God Sanctifie to us these His holy Dispensations that all Survivers may be in a suitable Readiness for His Sacred Will.  Received a Letter from Robert Cook.

January 28, 1758

1758 January 28 (Saturday).  Have heard from Boston that my dear Friends there are variously exercised.  My eldest Brother Still in a low Condition.  My Brother Samuel has marryed his Daughter Elizabeth to Mr. Job Bradford, Mariner.  P.M. Esq. Charles Brigham here with his mare — but a Bargain is still postpon’d.  My wife much exercised with pain and greatly distressed.

January 29, 1758

1758 January 29 (Sunday).  Read 1 Chron. 27 and p.m. Luk. 15.  Preached a. and p.m. on Rom. 8.28.  O that we might be truely apprehensive of the distinguishing Favor and Privilege of the External Call!  And may we be obedient to it!  Above all the Dispensers of Gods Word are under peculiar Obligations to conform thereto them Selves.  May God grant me the Grace that I may!  N.B. On drawing near the Time of Travel desired Prayers.  Granny Maynard dined with us — and was here at Evening and lodged here.  Robert Cook here at noon and delivers me another paper.  At Eve stopped the Church and read it to them — he being present.

January 30, 1758

1758 January 30 (Monday).  Mrs. Maynard here through out the Day and lodges here, Mrs. P________ being in much Pain and Distress.  P.M. Mr. Eleazar Whitney comes with a Whirrey and carrys me to Deacon Tainters where a Number of the Brethren Meet with Robert Cook to confer with him about his Confession.  There were present Deacon Forb. and his Son Daniel, Mr. Nathaniel Whitney, Lt. Jonas Brigham, Messrs. Samuel and David Hardy, Mr. Solomon Woods, Mr. David Maynard, Mr. Eleazar Whitney, besides Deacon Tainter and his son; Mr. William Pierce was also there.  Cook was Seemingly very earnest in asking Forgiveness yet when some particulars were mentioned he had always reserves and alleviations.  When I came home, Mrs. Maynard here, Capt. Wood and his Wife and Deacon Bond here; my Wife in great pain and yet not near her Delivery.