September 28, 1756

1756 September 28 (Tuesday).  My Wife would have gone to Boston, but little Sophy was not well.  I visited at Mr. Ebenezer Forb., his Son Ebenezer being ill.  I went also to See Neighbour John Rogers who is sick.  Prayed at Each of those Houses.  Mr. Ephraim Bruce having 2 Children Sick I next went there — dined with them and Proceeded to the Burial of Mr. Timothy Warrins youngest Child which dy’d yesterday.  Divers others of his Children are sick — likewise his Brother Daniel’s wife and one of their Daughters.  After the Burying I visited Mr. Daniel Adams’s son that is Sick and prayed with them.  N.B. Capt. Maynard dyed last Evening about 8 o’Clock.