1755 March 27 (Thursday). This Day the Church Met to choose Deacons. I prepar’d somewhat to deliver on that Occasion, but it was brief and broken. N.B. Mr. Whitney and Deacon Forbush are concern’d, and talk with me before the Meeting about Lieutenant Tainter, who they Say, would be like to be voted for, for one were it not for Something which divers Brethren have heard from him about his paying me (one way or another) a matter of 16 or 17£ upon the Score of the North sides Rates which Should have been paid me in the Year 1744: but which is not so accepted by me. I open’d the Meeting with Prayer. Read Acts 6 to 7, and 1 Tim. 3.8 to 14 and deliver’d what I had prepared. Brother Whitney chose by 19 out of 25 — then try’d for another, but the Votes were scattering, viz. 6 for Lieutenant Tainter, 6 for Mr. Francis Whipple, 6 for Mr. Jonathan Bond, the rest were for Esquire Baker, Jonathan Forbush junior, Daniel Forbush and David Maynard junior. We try’d again — but still no Choice: they were 12 for Lieutenant Tainter, 10 for Mr. Bond, 4 for Mr. Whipple. Try’d again also in Vain; there being now 12 for Mr. Bond, 11 for Lieutenant Tainter — 2 for Mr. Whipple and one for Jonathan Forbush junior. We try’d once more and Mr. Bond was chose by 16 votes — only 6 for Lieutenant, the rest for Whipple and Jonathan Forbush junior. Both Mr. Whitney and Mr. Bond modestly refus’d, but their answer was desir’d to be deferr’d to this Day fortnight to which Time the Meeting was adjourn’d. The Disposal of the Lot is of the Lord. At Eve Mr. Jacob Sweetzer of Rutland here, and lodg’d — his Horse at Mr. Nurse’s. Billy brings home sad News of Betty Bimelock (Indian) Murdering her Child about six weeks old.