1755 March 14 (Friday). Mr. George Bruce Sheriff call’d here. He had been with an Execution against Jonas Bradish, who is Bondsman for Mr. Ebenezer Rice. It gives me much Grief, as Mr. Rice has behav’d himself So ingenuously among us. Mr. Bruce acquaints me that Mr. Dorrs[1] Family at Mendon is in great Affliction by the illness of Mrs. Katy, at her sister Tafts[2] in Braintree. It is far from a New Observation that this World is full of Changes, nor is it Strange that we are So unaffected with them.
[1]The Reverend Mr. Joseph Dorr.
[2]Katherine was the daughter of the Reverend Mr. Dorr. Her sister, Mary, married Moses Taft (Harvard 1751), the minister of Randolph, 1752-1791.