August 22, 1751

1751 August 22 (Thursday).  Mrs. Forbush tripp’d away home just after break of Day.  But my wife grew so bad that I hastily rode away for her again and brought her.  It proves a very hot Day; but we must gather the Neighbouring Women.  I rode up the Street and alarm’d the four nearest, and proceeded for Mrs. Baker — likewise for Mrs. Nurse and Mrs. Williams who came — and Suddenly about 11 o’Clock a.m. a Son was born.  My Twelfth living Child, and my Sixth living Son.  The Name of the Lord be magnifyed!  May I obtain the Grace to walk in Wisdom and faithfullness towards all the Children which he has graciously given to me!  P.M. I preach’d the Sacramental Lecture from 1 Tim. 6.2.  “Partakers of the Benefit.”  It prov’d a very trying Time to me: But may God Support me through!  After Lecture I got Mr. William Nurse to lead up my Mare to Mr. Eleazer Pratts for his Daughter Hannah, who came at Evening to Nurse my wife.