August 15, 1751

1751 August 15 (Thursday).  Molly has liv’d at the New House ever since we dieted the Workmen, to Day she went home, and after much hard work in the Day return’d at Eve.  I visited Mrs. Martha Warrin[1] in the Morning.  Over to the other House to point sashes though I do but little of it.  I tarried all Day at the new-House.  Din’d there alone, but went back to Mrs. Parkman at Night: She being full of pain; has strange Cramps.  Has also Indications that her Travail is not far off.  The Lord prepare her and all of us for the Changes before us.  Rainy and stormy Night.  N.B. my mind in much Exercise by Reason of the great Urgency that we remove and yet our House and place there exceedingly unfit to receive us.  The Hearth’s unlaid, the Banks of Gravel at Each Door unlevelled.  No pasture for a Cow, or feed or Hay for an Horse etc. etc.

[1]Mrs. Daniel Warrin.