August 14, 1751

1751 August 14 (Wednesday).  Jeduthum Baldwin and John Woods go over to work at the Meeting House at the North End of the Town.  Their Tools carry’d over in Mr. Martyns Chair, drawn by my mare.  I agree to give Baldwin 18/ old Tenor per Day for 60 Days, to his Journey man, William Parkhurst, 15/ per Day, 26 Days and to his Apprentice, John Woods 10£, lumping the Latter part of his Time.  (The former part he was so new and raw, nothing more than his Diet could be expected.)  In all, my Debt to Baldwin is 83£ 10s, old Tenor — his Credit 3£ 10.  This Day due to him 80£.  N.B. he offers to take 75£ if I pay him 40£ within a Month, and 35 within 2 months More, or give him Bond for it.  The Same Day My Son Thomas carted over my Desk, Study Table, and a Number of Books, etc.  Ebenezer went over and with Edwards Whipple and a few more, rais’d the Well-Crotch and sweep.  P.M. They went to their Haying at home.