August 9, 1751

1751 August 9 (Friday).  At the New House.  Deacon Kimball, and his Son Ebenezer lay on the Plaistering.  Cornelius Cook[1] tends them.  The Carpenters Still there and Molly and Suse to provide for us.  Ebenezer and Thomas Cart one Load more from the Meadow to the New Stack-Yard — having stack’d up the remainder of the Hay at the Meadow, there till some better Season for Carting it.  Towards Night they came home to mowing.  Have much of our haying to do, when many others are done.  Deacon Newton came for me to visit his son Stephen who grows worse.  Went according and discours’d and pray’d with him.  Visited also the Widow Newton.[2]  At Night the Walls of my New House being so green and damp, with the New Mortar, no body cares to lodge within them.  Deacon and Baldwin make up a Couch in the unfinish’d part of the House.  Molly and Suse go to the Widow Newtons.  Others disperse otherwise.

[1]The son of Parkman’s neighbor.

[2]Mrs. Thomas Newton.