August 5, 1751

1751 August 5 (Monday).  Deacon Kimball[1] of Hopkinton came to Plaister the West End of my New House.  Mrs. Rachel Pratt, the Wife of Neighbour Hezekiah Pratt, dy’d about 1 p.m.  I was with her a.m. and we talk’d of her Decease — she having comfortable Evidence of Grace.  Mr. Pratt has carry’d himself in a very exemplary Manner towards his Wife; and his House is now turn’d into a Bochim.[2]  The Lord Sanctifie this Death not only to them but to all of us!  Stephen Newton Sick of the Throat Distemper but is thought to be better.

[1]Ebenezer Kemble.

[2]Judges, II, 1-5.