April 25, 1750

1750 April 25 (Wednesday).  Neighbour William Rogers junior work’d for me.  I rode to Mr. Jonas Brighams to Send an Answer to a Letter from my Brother William concerning Captain Stansbury’s Negro.  But they Set out Early — however I put on hastily after them and proceeded down the Road till overtook Mr. Twitchell with the Team.  From thence I rode to Mr. Stones but he was again gone to Boston.  Was at old Mr. Johnsons and at Mr. Amsdens and took particular Demensions of the Timber for my House, of Abijah Gale whom I employ’d to undertake my Frame.  When I return’d, Mr. Morse of Shrewsbury was here and din’d with us.  N.B. Joseph Bruce came to work for me this afternoon.  N.B. Mr. Jeremiah Fowler and Captain Maynard here.  The former brought a Jackal, an Entertaining Sight.  How wondrously are the Works of God diversify’d!  How manifest are thy Works, O Lord!  in wisdom hast thou made them all!