April 22, 1750

1750 April 22 (Sunday).  A.M. read Exod. 20 from number 18 — gave some Exposition of the Second Commandment — din’d at Justice Bakers.  Walk’d up and back.  P.M. read Luke 23 to number 27.  Preach’d on Eph. 2.8 latter part.  Us’d my Sermon on the forepart of this number from page 10 to 16 with many alterations and added some Account of Reverend Mr. Webb.  After the Exercises read the Letter from Abington, requesting the Church to assist in the Ordination of Mr. Dodge[1] — the Church votes Complyance.[2]  But some did not vote among the Rest Deacon Newton,[3] who gave this Reason that the Church had no Return made ‘em of Shrewsbury Council’s Proceedings — No Result.  This answer of the Deacons Troubled me because the Deacon had several Opportunitys to have Spoken to me in private but never gave me any hint of disquietment.

[1]Ezekiel Dodge (Harvard 1749) had been a supply preacher in several towns of central Massachusetts.

[2]The church voted to send Francis Whipple and Simon Tainter to Abington ordination.  Westborough Church Records, April 22, 1750.

[3]Josiah Newton.