April 20, 1750

1750 April 20 (Friday).  Messrs. Gale and Rogers go into a Ministerial Lott as agreed Yesterday but they find only Two sticks and cutt but one of them.  It rain’d also and beat ‘em off in the forenoon.  I rode to the South Side as far as Mr. Charles Bruce’s — din’d at Mr. Bowmans.  Proceeded to Mr. James Bradishes accompany’d by Mr. Bowman and engag’d him to work on my intended Frame.  Was at divers Houses besides, promoting the Same Affair.  For the Time of preparing to build is so far elaps’d that unless I am very industrious and Successfull there can be little Hopes of getting into an House before next Winter.  But I meet with considerable Encouragement — and especially from Mr. Bowman, who likewise presented me a Bushel and half of Indian Corn, and carried it to Lieutenant Tainters, in order to its being Sent to Mill.  Visited Mr. Bonds[1] Family who are newly come into Town.

[1]Jonathan Bond had lived earlier in Waltham and Mendon.