January 16, 1750

1750 January 16 (Tuesday).  Mr. Stephen Fay came here and brought his Plotts that I might make the writings respecting the Land I have propos’d to buy of him, provided we can agree upon the Terms.  He din’d here.  But Mr. Fay loaded our Bargain with Demands which Mr. Rice had never told me of, viz. that I must throw up my Expectation of the Condition of his possessing the Three Acres which were laid out to me, but which now he obliges me to buy at So dear a Rate of him, which Condition was, that he should make over Right to me to take up Three Acres of Common Land instead of it: Yet even this I conceded to [in] hopes to make the Bargain easier in other respects, scil. respecting the Money and Time of payment.  We made several proposals, but finally I agreed to go to drawing the Instruments against Tomorrow p.m. leaving a Space to insert that of the Terms he propos’d to my Choice, which I should like best.  And thus he left me.  One of the ways or kinds of Terms he had left me was, that I should give Such a Bond as those had give who had lately been buying of him, Such as Esq. Baker etc.  Nigh Evening I rode to Esq. Baker to Consult him about those Bonds.  In Conversation with him he gave such Account of the Temper of the Precinct Yesterday, and the little prospect of its being better — that, considering this and therewith the Difficulty about the Payment, I hearken’d to the Esquire’s Council not to Engage, if I could fairly desist; and defer it a little while, till I should be able to see what would come out of my Circumstances among this People.  I first appriz’d Mr. Rice of it, and then went to Mr. Fay.  I acquainted him that since he left me I had met with what had much mov’d me to come, and desire him to wave the Bargain for a while, or, as the Case now Stood with me with Regard to the Parish and as there was so much difficulty in knowing what could be just and safe in the Payment in so very Critical a juncture, I must desire him to throw it up.  He told me he had as lieve as not — Upon which it was all dissolv’d and the Whole Affair fell to the Ground.  Hear that Dr. Breck[1] is very ill.

[1]Samuel Breck, the physician of Worcester, was Parkman’s brother-in-law.