1750 January 15 (Monday). A Remarkable Day! The Parish came together at the Meeting House to consider and provide for my Remove from my present Dwelling. N.B. Lieutenant Tainter here. Captain Maynard (came at my Desire). I ask’d him (as I have of late Several Times) to sell his Land nigh the Meeting House but he refuses — is very much out of Humour, to my Grief, as he has been a worthy neighbour; and I fear he will be very much incapacitated by this Ruffle, to receive any good. I sent a Paper to the Precinct by Lieutenant Tainter. Though it was a Cold Day I rode over to Deacon Newtons. At Eve came in (to Deacon Newtons) Mr. Ebenezer Rice and inform’d me (agreeable to my Desire) that Neighbour Stephen Fay would be at my House tomorrow to finish the Bargain about the Land aforesaid, and afterwards came in the Deacon, Esq. Baker and Lieutenant Tainter. They inform’d me that the people at their meeting made no Vote upon my Affair. But all Things relating to my Remove are left in Confusions, their Minds being very much Divided. Many persons were for granting no more than 500£ naked and according to the present Value, nor would they vote that to be put into a Rate without I would manifest myself contented with it. We had a great Deal of Discourse at the Deacons upon what had pass’d in the Day — and the Tendency of those Things.[1] N.B. talk’d with the Deacon alone concerning the Paper which a Committee (of which he was one) prepar’d us a message from the precinct to me in answer etc. but though it was not voted yet doth said paper lye among the papers of the precinct to my great Disadvantage and Reproach. I therefore desir’d the Deacon to take Care that it be destroy’d; or else let me have the Benefit of putting in a Reply to lye along with it. My Wife and several Children much indispos’d.
[1]See DeForest and Bates, Westborough, p. 135.