January 4, 1750

1750 January 4 (Thursday).  Fast at Upton in order to Calling a Minister; and that they might be better prepar’d for that, to renew Covenant as a Church.  No Minister came till afternoon to assist.  Mr. Frost came in service Time, and with him Mr. Hutchinson.[1]  We had but one Exercise.  I preach’d on Jer. 3.15 and after Mr. Frosts praying, the Church very solemnly declar’d their Consent to the Covenant (which had been before hand prepar’d and agreed upon) the men by rising up and lifting up their Hands; the women by rising up.  Of men there were present, and thus transacted, Eleven: of women but Three.  It was a very solemn season.  I hope we had the presence of God.  May He be pleas’d to pardon what was amiss, and accept the offering of his People.  We sung the Close of Ps. 118.  We retir’d to Captain Sadlers[2] and supp’d.  And at Eve the Brethren of the Church who had transacted as aforesaid, Sign’d the Covenant.  N.B. Mr. Benjamin Palmers Offence with me remov’d.  N.B. a Number of Separatists at Captain Sadlers, who himself did not (I think) go to meeting.  I rode to Mill-River with Mr. Frost, and one Mr. Bointon.  We call’d at Captain Tylers[3] and Dr. Scammells.[4]  I lodg’d at Mr. Frosts; and Mr. Bointon kept my Horse.  A Cold Night.

[1]Aaron Hutchinson, the preacher of Grafton.

[2]John Sadler of Upton.

[3]Nathan Tyler of Milford.

[4]Samuel Scammell, the physician of Milford.