1750 January 3 (Wednesday). A.M. to Southborough to Lieutenant Brighams[1] to Speak with him again about the Land near the Meeting House, but he was not at home. I din’d there and then return’d home as soon as I could that I might get upon my Journey p.m. to Upton. Mr. James Bradish accompany’d me to Mr. Elijah Warrins, and Mr. Marshall Baker from thence to Captain Hazzletine’s[2] where I lodg’d. But neither Mr. Hall[3] nor Mr. Frost[4] nor Mr. Dodge[5] (who were expected) were there.
[1]Timothy Brigham.
[2]John Hazeltine.
[3]The Reverend David Hall of Sutton.
[4]The Reverend Amariah Frost of Milford.
[5]Ezekiel Dodge (Harvard 1749), a young preacher. Sibley, XII, 367-369.