June 22, 1749

1749 June 22 (Thursday).  Was at Mr. Ephraim Brighams, at Mr. Edward Barns’s (where I bought Cheese), din’d at Deacon Matthias Rice’s[1] (whose wife presented me with a Cheese) and then I return’d home.  Here had been Mr. Solomon Reed and his Wife from New Haven and brought a kind Letter from Mrs. Pierpoint.  Brother Hicks from Boston.  Sorrowful Accounts of the Prevalence of the Drought.  From Different Parts of the Province we hear that the Fish die in the Rivers through the Scantiness and heat of Waters.  Hear that people in Marlborough have met (divers of them) to Fast and pray, and propose to again tomorrow.

[1]One of the founders of the church in the north precinct of Westborough.