1748 October 24 (Monday). Mr. Graves[1] Messenger from the Church of Southborough here without Mr. Stone,[2] his eldest son being ill of the Throat Distemper. Captain Baker and Ensign Miller came (as Delegates of our Church) and we went to Rutland. On the way din’d at Mr. Cushings,[3] and stopp’d again at Captain Biglo’s.[4] Got up in Comfort and lodg’d at Mr. Buckminsters. The Council was call’d on account of uneasiness and irregularitys among some of the Brethren, particularly Messrs. Samuel Stone, and Simon Davis. John Stone also and Jones were join’d therein; and on account of the Conduct of a Number of Ireland[5] people who were members of the Church in Rutland; but without Dismission or acquainting the Church with it, drew off and join’d with others who Sett up another Assembly in the Town by the assistance of Mr. Moorhead.
[1]Joseph Graves.
[2]The Reverend Mr. Nathan Stone of Southborough.
[3]The Reverend Mr. Job Cushing.
[4]Joseph Bigelow, a selectman of Shrewsbury.
[5]Ulster Presbyterians.