1748 October 11 (Tuesday). Preparing a sermon a.m. on Jer. 3.15 for Grafton Fast. P.M. I din’d with the South Company Officers — Lieutenant Bruce[1] had the Command by Means of Captain Bakers[2] being engag’d as one of the Referrees upon the Case of Messrs. Nurse[3] and Cook.[4] The other Referrees Captain Eager[5] and Lieutenant Hezikiah Ward the other Two. In my returning home at Eve went in to old Mr. Maynards to See Neverson Warrin (son of Daniel from Watertown) who is very ill and much Swell’d and convuls’d. He was about House in the forenoon, but has not been well this fortnight.
[1]Abijah Bruce.
[2]Edward Baker.
[3]William Nurse.
[4]Cornelius Cook.
[5]James Eager.