1745 January 3 (Thursday). The First Precinct had their First Meeting, and chose Precinct Officers, and a Committee to treat with Me. By this Days Transactions all Enquiry whether the Town Submitts to the General Courts Act in dividing the Town is Superseded: for this is an actual Submission thereto and proceeding accordingly. This Day therefore I look upon the Contract between this Town and my Self to be Shock’d and Violated. God grant me wisdom proportionable to the Trial![1] My Ox bad. Eliezer Rice rak’d him. Sent for Mr. Daniel Garfield.[2] On the 3 Mr. Daniel Forbush laid an Hearth in my New Study.
[1]See DeForest and Bates, Westborough, 131.
[2]Given as Gafield in Westborough Vital Records.