January 2, 1745

1745 January 2 (Wednesday).  Thus the Year began with Difficult Dutys and Trials, and more follow’d immediately upon them for on the second I rode over to Upton according to my appointment and Message to them.  Lieutenant Tainter (whose wife I visited as I went), Mr. Stratton of Waltham, his son Harrington and Mr. Grow, were my Company over.  We din’d at Captain Sadlers.[1]  It was Somewhat lowery a.m. but was clearer p.m.  Mr. Weld and Mr. Dorr[2] at Meeting.  I preach’d on James 5.9, latter part.  After Sermon Israel Taft junior who had before hand acquaint’d me with his Right to Church Privilege and his Desire of Baptism for his Child, having Stood up, with his Child ready, I laid his Desires before the Church who manifested their Consent to proceeding — But Reverend Weld objected and after long debatings Still insisted that this was one that had not made him Satisfaction etc.  Reverend Mr. Dorr said he thought I ought to abide by our own Result, which granted Privilege.  Several brethren would fain have drawn off but I besought them to tarry.  Mr. Matthew Taft in particular, but he said he thought it had as good be Wav’d for the present Seeing So much was Said.  As to myself I conceiv’d that being the Young Man publickly acknowledg’d he was to blame in leaving Mr. Weld to hear Mr. Pain,[3] and was willing to join in what the Brethren did in the Agreement with Mr. Weld previous to his Dismission, he ought to be restor’d and enjoy Privilege but since there was so much uncomfortable Debate and the Sun just sitting I chose to Wave it.  And so I proceeded to Prayer, and dismiss’d the People.  Mr. Dorr and Mr. Weld went down to Captain Sadlers where Mr. Weld manifested great Disquietment with our last Result as well as the former.  But I would not tarry to contest with him.  We return’d home.  N.B. I supp’d at Neighbour Harringtons with Mr. Stratton and others.

[1]John Sadler, a selectman of Upton.

[2]Rev. Joseph Dorr of Mendon.

[3]Probably the Rev. Seth Pain (YC 1726), who has been dismissed by Stafford, Conn., and became an Anglican. DYG, 334-335.