July 22, 1740

1740 July 22 (Tuesday).  I rose early and rode as far as Mr. Biglo’s.  Met Mr. Eliezer Bellows going to work for Ensign Maynard[1] notwithstanding that he had promis’d to come and help me, for which I was disquieted with him.  Call’d at Neighbor Abner Newtons and receiv’d £5.  Neighbor Biglo and his Boy, neighbor Daniel Hardy and Jonas Warrin, junior mow’d for me.  The weather Clear yet and the Earth very dry.  The Staple in my Pump Handle drew out and Sunk down to the Box, which oblig’d me to pull up the pump Spire; and it being very long, Neighbor Hardy (who endeavor’d to hold it up) let it fall and broke off the Top nigh a foot and half which put us into much trouble for Water.  N.B. Neighbor Jesse Maynard[2] and his wife here in order to their owning the Covenant.  N.B. Solomon Hapgood and Mr. Daniel Drury, Child, of Shrewsbury, bury’d, both having dy’d of the Throat Distemper.

[1]Stephen Maynard of Westborough.

[2]Son of David Maynard, an original settler.