1739 April 1 (Sunday). Mr. Stone rode up to Westborough in the Morning. I preach’d at Southborough on Heb. 10.38 a. and p.m. William Pierce had excepted against Mr. Stones form of baptizing because of his using the word [into] instead of [in] the name, etc. and therefor entreated me to baptize his youngest child.[1] Mr. Stone had intimated the matter to me and consented freely that the Man Should request me, but I first opened the matter to him, read him Dr. Collins’s annotation upon Mat. 28.19 in the Continuation of Mr. Pools[2] and demanded of him whether he had any Disgust with Mr. Stone on any other, etc. The name of the Child was Seth. At Evening I return’d to Westborough. Met Mr. Stone by the way. N.B. Mr. Stone had forgot his Notes by changing his Coat, and had none with him at Westborough. It was so late in the morning that he could not return home to fetch ‘em, but my wife, at his request, Show’d him a parcell of my Sermons and he chose them that are on Hos. 13.9, and preach’d from them a. and p.m. N.B. My Young Red Cow brought a fine large Cow Calf.
[1]Baptism recorded in Westborough church records.
[2]Matthew Poole, a learned Non-Conformist divine, published Annotations on the Holy Bible, wherein the Sacred Text is inserted, and various readings annexed (2 vols.; London 1688). Poole wrote the portion as far as chapter 58 of Isaiah. Other writers continued the work.