1738 August 16 (Wednesday). Ebenezer rode with me to Marlborough to Captain Peter Rice’s,[1] to the widow How’s[2] who carry’d Ebenezer to Uncle Gott’s (with Captain Amsden[3]), to Mr. Phelp’s,[4] Mr. Peter Butlers, to Mr. Brown[5] the whitesmith, Colonel Woods’s, and to Dr. Gotts. When the Doctor had advis’d respecting the Sore upon Ebenezer’s Neck, we return’d home, although it was nigh nine when we set out from Marlborough. N.B. Moss return’d before Day, this morning. He mow’d over the Bushes.
[1]Prominent citizen and captain of the “train-band.”
[2]Lydia Howe, widow of Jonathan Howe who died June 22, 1738. Hudson, Marlborough, p. 384.
[3]Isaac Amsden of Marlborough.
[4]John Phelps of Marlborough was a cordwainer. He moved to Rutland, Mass., about 1742.
[5]James Brown.