1738 July 1 (Saturday). Brother Samuel Breck return’d from Marlborough. Raking and getting in Hay.
Month: July 1738
July 2, 1738
1738 July 2 (Sunday). On Mat. 8.23-27, and on Acts 13.36.
July 3, 1738
1738 July 3 (Monday). Undertook to wait upon my Honored Aged Mother to Cambridge. At the widow Harringtons[1] in Marlborough we were oblig’d to Stop; my Mother could not ride upon the Pillion which we us’d any longer. She lay down and was refresh’d. We borrow’d Mrs. Harringtons Pillion and remounted. We had a prosperous Journey by the will of God and got down in season to Father Champney’s where we lodged.
[1]Mrs. David Harrington.
July 4, 1738
1738 July 4 (Tuesday). We rode to Charlston and din’d at Cousen Soley’s. My Mother in great Comfort return’d to her own House. Blessed be God for his sustaining Mercy to her in this observable undertaking! (N.B. When my Mother took her Leave of my Family, and bless’d them among other of her Expressions, these were remarkable when She kiss’d my two Sons in the Language of the patriarch Jacob when he lay’d his aged hands upon Ephraim and Manasseh “God almighty bless the Lads and make them a Blessing,” etc.). I return’d to Cambridge at Evening. N.B. Mr. John Osborn junior, of Rowley, with his mistress lodg’d at Father Champneys. Mother Champney and Sister Lydia were disquieted with me that I had remark’d to Brother Hicks their Sending So over strict a Charge by Cousen Winchester, about Ebenezer, when she brought him from Cambridge to Westborough on June 16 last. N.B. Mrs. Suse Champney there.
July 5, 1738
1738 July 5 (Wednesday). It being Commencement I was chiefly at the following Chambers, Scil.: Sir Lorings,[1] Sir Davis’s.[2] I visited Several others, as Sir Tyler’s,[3] where I broke fast. I din’d but poorly in the Hall. P.M. The Presidents[4] Oration was very excelling. Lodg’d at Father Champney’s and Sir Mower[5] with me.
[1]Jonathan Loring (Harvard 1738), the son of Reverend Israel Loring of Sudbury, who later became a lawyer in Marlborough. Sibley, X, 298-299.
[2]Jonathan Davies (Harvard 1738), later a Roxbury physician. Sibley, X, 285.
[3]Andrew Tyler (Harvard 1738), minister of First Congregational Church of Westwood, 1743-1772. Sibley, X, 329-334.
[4]Edward Holyoke (Harvard 1705) became the ninth President of Harvard College, Sept. 28, 1737. Sibley, V, 265-278.
[5]Richard Mower (Harvard 1738) of Lynn. Sibley, X, 306-307.
July 6, 1738
1738 July 6 (Thursday). I was again at College. Broke fast at Sir Mowers. Din’d at Sir Davis’s at the Chamber they kept over the Common. N.B. I admonish’d Daniel Champney, junior,[1] at Sir Davis’s, for his Drinking. N.B. Mr. Robert Sharp[2] and his Sister Mrs. Susan[3] at College. Mr. Robert led me to his Sister at Sir Whites[4] Chamber, but it was at Eve and they were soon removing home. I lodg’d at Father Champney’s. My Kinsman Parkman walk’d over with me.
[1]Of Cambridge. He was the nephew of the first Mrs. Parkman.
[2]Son of Captain Robert Sharpe of Brookline.
[3]Susanna Sharp, whom Reverend Parkman had courted after the death of his first wife. See Diary for February 17, 1737 and March 3 and 4, 1737.
[4] Benjamin White (Harvard 1738), sometime schoolmaster at Gloucester. Sibley, X, 338.
July 7, 1738
1738 July 7 (Friday). In Riding to Boston I first call’d at Captain Sharps[1] — then I stop’d at Judge Dudleys and din’d there. N.B. Mr. James Cushing[2] and his wife there. The Judge very entertaining and instructing in his Conversation. He led me into his Gardens, into his Library, etc. Stop’d again at Mr. Benjamin Eaton’s Hatter in Roxbury. At Boston my Honored Mother and sister Willard[3] were both ill and kept therein Bed, which was the occasion of my Staying in Town all night. Lodg’d at Brother Elias’s.[4]
[1]Robert Sharpe, Sr., of Brookline.
[2](Harvard 1725). Minister of Plaistow, New Hampshire, 1730-1764. Sibley, VIII, 499-501.
[3]Parkman’s sister Susanna, who married Josiah Willard of Salem.
[4]Elias Parkman of Boston.
July 8, 1738
1738 July 8 (Saturday). Mother Somewhat better. I rode to Cambridge and thence to Westborough. One Mr. Caleb Johnson of Shrewsbury my Company the upper part of the Journey. Found the Family, through the Favour of God well.
July 9, 1738
1738 July 9 (Sunday). Repeated Sermon on Gal. 3.14.
July 10, 1738
July 11, 1738
1738 July 11 (Tuesday). Very dry Season. Yet there was a little Shower at Night. N.B. I put up a Flap at the pulpit.
July 12, 1738
1738 July 12 (Wednesday). Old Mr. Lord[1] of the Cape was here upon a journey upward. Mr. Rand[2] of Sunderland and Mr. Billings[3] here and din’d with us.
[1]Reverend Joseph Lord (Harvard 1691), minister of Chatham, Mass., 1718-1748. He was also a schoolmaster and physician. Sibley, V, 101-106.
[2]Reverend William Rand (Harvard 1721), minister of Sunderland, Mass., 1723-1745, and Kingston, Mass., 1746-1779. Sibley, VI, 549-553.
[3]Edward Billing (Harvard 1731) of Sunderland, who later became the first minister of Belchertown, Mass., 1739-1752. Sibley, IX, 22-28.
July 13, 1738
1738 July 13 (Thursday). Brethren Breck and Samuel here returning to Springfield. N.B. Samuel has been Examin’d and accepted at College when some Number were turn’d by. My Lecture was on John 6.53. Mr. Jonathan Forbush accepted of the Deaconship. The Committee from Mr. Samuel Fay advis’d that I should make him a visit for that he had intimated that he should be glad to See me. N.B. Mrs. Rice of Hopkinton who was heretofore Whood was with me.
July 14, 1738
1738 July 14 (Friday). My Wife began to Spin Worstead.
July 15, 1738
1738 July 15 (Saturday). [No entry.]
July 16, 1738
1738 July 16 (Sunday). Sacrament. On Song. 4.16. Heb. 10.38.
July 17, 1738
1738 July 17 (Monday). Pol’d Hay from the lower South Side. Dry Time.
July 18, 1738
1738 July 18 (Tuesday). I rode to Mr. Ephraim Allen’s[1] and to Mr. Daniel Bartletts. A plentifull and very Mercifull Rain while I was at Mr. Bartletts,[2] which detain’d me there (I suppose) Several Hours. When it Slack’d I got as far as Mr. Eliazar Hows[3] at Marlborough where I was kept till almost night. My Business from thence carry’d me to Mr. Peter Butlers.[4] At Colonel Woods in the Eve, Colonel Sent for Mr. John Rogers[5] and Sir Loring, who came accordingly. I lodg’d there.
[1]Of Westborough.
[2]Ensign Bartlett lived in Marlborough.
[3]Captain Eleazer Howe.
[4]Of Marlborough.
[5](Harvard 1732). Later the first minister of Leominster. Sibley, IX, 189-198.
July 19, 1738
1738 July 19 (Wednesday). At various places. Din’d at Dr. Gotts. Raining, yet I was oblig’d to get home. I was very wett, rode hard and it pritty much indispos’d me.
July 20, 1738
1738 July 20 (Thursday). Catechiz’d at the meeting House. Rain’d — not many Children. Moss mow’d p.m.
July 21, 1738
1738 July 21 (Friday). [No entry.]
July 22, 1738
1738 July 22 (Saturday). Mr. Jotham Brigham of Marlborough came up with the Request of Mrs. How the wife of Jonathan How, that I would go down to her Husband, who was under terrible Distraction, and Mr. Rogers would come up to Westborough to change tomorrow We had a great Deal of Hay to take care of, but towards Night I rode down. Mr. Rogers came up but I miss’d of him. Mr. How was in a piteous State intirely wild and confus’d, continually talking and worrying and Several to hold him. When I had pray’d with them I repair’d to my Lodgings at Madame Fisks.
July 23, 1738
1738 July 23 (Sunday). I preach’d at Marlborough on Luke 19.42. Was very much tir’d and Spent at Evening. Mr. Rogers came from Westborough. I lodg’d at Madame Fisks again. N.B. A Frost in low Ground.
July 24, 1738
1738 July 24 (Monday). After having been at various places as my Business call’d, I visited Dr. Gott and (with him) Mr. Jonathan How again. N.B. In Time of prayer he had a very violent Convulsion fit. After prayer and a great part of an Hour Spent whilst he was yet Striving in his Convulsion, I return’d to the Doctor’s and having din’d with them, I came up home.
July 25, 1738
1738 July 25 (Tuesday). I visited Mr. Samuel Fay as the Committee had desir’d on the 13th. He deny’d that he had Said any Thing as if he desir’d any visit from me. His chief objections and offence against me were what arose from my bringing in new Singing and my wearing a Wigg. I reply’d that I was not aware that I had at any time given him just Reason of Offence but if he judg’d I had and we could not succeed in Reconciling the matter our Selves it was our Wisdom to get the Assistance of Some prudent, Serious, Christian Brethren about us; and I desir’d him to choose who he pleas’d that were such and I would be advis’d and guided by them. N.B. I inform’d him of not only what notice I took of his Conduct when my Brother Parkman was with me at his House to make him a Visit and he would not So much as come down from the Chamber to Speak with us, and of what I have divers times heard of him having for Several Years kept himself from seeing me in the pulpit, etc. — Which he own’d with a Laugh. He was urg’d to choose some Christian men to hear his Grievance — but he gave no reply to any of those Proposals. He did vouchsafe to thank my visit when I withdrew. At Eve A black thunder Storm arose. I got Shelter at Lieutenant Bakers. There was an heavy Shower and Sharp Lightening — but it clear’d up finely before it was too late to come home.
July 26, 1738
1738 July 26 (Wednesday). Mr. Thomas Brigham of Marlborough came up to acquaint me that Mr. Jonathan How dy’d last Night and that his widow earnestly desir’d me to go down to the Funeral tomorrow. Our Barley was mow’d and rak’d.
July 27, 1738
1738 July 27 (Thursday). My Wife and I rode down with Neighbour Hezekiah How and his wife to Marlborough to the Funeral of Mr. Jonathan How. At the Doctor’s after Funeral. N.B. Mr. Dyer of Boston there trading with the Doctor for his House down in the street.
July 28, 1738
1738 July 28 (Friday). Moss began p.m. to mow in ministerial Meadow.
July 29, 1738
1738 July 29 (Saturday). Moss mowing in the Ministerial Meadow again.
July 30, 1738
1738 July 30 (Sunday). On Heb. 10.38. O that it might please God to Succeed so moving matters!
July 31, 1738
1738 July 31 (Monday). I rode to South West part of Town Sent to Boston and my Kinswoman Winchester was at Mr. Tainters[1] in the Evening. Moss raking in the meadow till Eve and then he went away to go up to Sutton.
[1]Deacon Simon Tainter of Westborough. [Correction: Simon Tainter was not elected deacon until 1757. Westborough Church Records (Westborough Public Library), 107 (Jan. 16, 1757).]