1738 August 14 (Monday). Brother Samuel Breck (who came from Springfield last week) brought up Sister Gott here. Mr. Abraham Rice of Marlborough and his Wife here in order to their owning the Covenant. But I was engag’d to go to the Funeral of Mr. Simeon Howards Second Son who was about in his 5th year and dyed somewhat suddenly by a stoppage in his Throat yesterday morn. After the Funeral Captain Eager[1] and Lieutenant Holloway[2] Stood with me at the burying place discoursing, and the latter Shew’d his displeasure at my not coming over more frequently to visit their side of the Town, partialy my not being at the Funeral of Neighbour Silas Fays Child of late, and my not being at the Funeral of his own Child — but I Strongly vindicated my Conduct and gave my Reasons for each. Captain Eager came home with me and supp’d with me. N.B. They went down, at my earnest sollicitation to Old Mr. Maynards to try if possible to make up the Difference Subsisting there, and Stop the Law suit Commencing. Bezaleel Frost[3] of Framingham who had difference with Abraham Moss came up late in the Evening to be reconcil’d and I us’d my friendliest Endeavours to put a period to their Contest. He lodg’d here.
[1]James Eager.
[2]William Holloway.
[3]The son of Samuel Frost of Framingham. Temple, Framingham, p. 554.