June 1, 1738

1738 June 1 (Thursday).  Was not at the Convention, but was at the public Concio by Mr. Barnard[1] of Marblehead on Coloss. 1.18.  The Collection for propagating the Gospel amounted to 207£ .  I din’d at Mr. Edmund Quincy’s[2] where also din’d Colonel Chandler[3] of Worcester.  P.M. I visited my wife’s Aunt Mrs. Loring,[4] and her Kinswoman Mrs. Keggell.[5]  I also waited upon Dr. Delhonde[6] for Ebenezer who remains feeble, Sick and Coughing.  In the Evening I was at Brother Alexander’s where also was my Wife, and we lodged there.

[1]Reverend John Barnard (Harvard 1700), minister of the First Church of Marblehead, 1715-1770.  Sibley, IV, 501-514.

[2](Harvard 1722). A well known resident of Boston. Sibley, VII, 106-116.

[3]John Chandler.

[4]Mrs. Daniel Loring.

[5]Mrs. Parkman’s cousin, Hannah Breck, married Abel Keggell, a merchant of Boston.

[6]Louis Dalhonde, a physician of Boston.