1738 May 1 (Monday). Mr. Habijah Bruce sent his son Charles with a Yoke of Oxen to cross my Grass-Ground and they began to work, but old Mr. Greaves gave me so much of his Experience of planting upon the sods, that offering also to assist me in it, we proceeded to have it harrowed and then planted it. His Brother Francis Pierce also help’d in it. N.B. Goodman Gore of Marlborough here. Pleasant weather. P.M. Charles ploughed over the rest of the stubble ground.
Month: May 1738
May 2, 1738
1738 May 2 (Tuesday). Hired James Bradish and Noah How to cart out Muck, but before noon came Mr. John Watkin from Upton and offer’d to undertake my Work for longer or shorter Time. Accordingly a little before noon he went to work. P.M. Noah went home, and Mr. Watkin wrought at the Team in his Stead. Cool, raw weather, p.m. Great Expectation of Rain at the dry Time, but Clouds fail.
May 3, 1738
1738 May 3 (Wednesday). Watkins burning Brush all Day on the Hill and in the Low Ground as well as on the south side.
May 4, 1738
1738 May 4 (Thursday). Watkins carted muck and Harrowed. P.M. came Abraham Moss, whom I at Eve hired for 4 Months for 20£.
May 5, 1738
1738 May 5 (Friday). Abraham Moss began to work. Watkins work’d till noon and then, with Consent, left us. Carting Muck and harrowing and furrowing out.
May 6, 1738
1738 May 6 (Saturday). Furrowing and planting. Fine refreshing Showers of Rain upon the Thirsty Earth.
May 7, 1738
1738 May 7 (Sunday). Repeated the greatest part of Sermon 4 and 5 on Mat. 20.6 from Rom. 12.11 and p.m. preach’d on Eph.
May 8, 1738
May 9, 1738
1738 May 9 (Tuesday). High Cold winds. Moss plough’d up the lower south side Stubble. P.M. plough’d it again and furrow’d it out.
May 10, 1738
1738 May 10 (Wednesday). A.M. finish’d planting Corn. Abraham planted more Potatoes. I sent 5 Young Cattle into the Woods in the Drove of Captain Warrins,[1] etc. Susanna Cutting rode upon my Horse designing to visit her Parents at Waterton. P.M. a great Storm of Rain. Yesterday Mr. Bliss deny’d Marlborough.
[1]Daniel Warrin, one of the original settlers of Westborough.
May 11, 1738
1738 May 11 (Thursday). [No entry.]
May 12 1738
1738 May 12 (Friday). [No entry.]
May 13, 1738
1738 May 13 (Saturday). Deacon Miles[1] of Concord and his Wife were here. P.M. I rode down to Southborough intending to Change with Mr. Stone; and Mr. Stone was accordingly dressing himself when Mr. Man[2] from College came and so earnestly requested and importuned me to change with him that (at Mr. Stones Desire also) I rode over to Marlborough whilst Mr. Man rode up to Westborough.
[1]Samuel Miles.
[2]Hezekiah Man (Harvard 1731). Sibley, IX, 65-67.
May 14, 1738
May 15, 1738
1738 May 15 (Monday). Town Meeting at Marlborough to choose a Representative, and church meeting to choose a Pastor. My Business lay with divers persons at both the Meeting House and School House (at the former the Town, at the latter the church met), So that I was unavoidably up there — but lest I Should fall under some Reproach I refus’d to pray with the Church notwithstanding their Sollicitous Messages one after another. N.B. Discourse with Mr. John Sherman about Mr. Brecks pew which some had disorderly and clandestinely pull’d down in Marlborough Meeting House. Having call’d at Captain Warrens I returned home.
May 16, 1738
1738 May 16 (Tuesday). Susanna Cutting returned home.
May 17, 1738
1738 May 17 (Wednesday). Mr. Whiting and his Wife, with her Daughter Mrs. Hall made us a Visit and lodg’d.
May 18, 1738
1738 May 18 (Thursday). They took leave for Concord.
May 19, 1738
1738 May 19 (Friday). Abraham Moss went to Framingham.
May 20, 1738
1738 May 20 (Saturday). [No entry.]
May 21, 1738
1738 May 21 (Sunday). Eph.
May 22, 1738
1738 May 22 (Monday). Town Meeting to choose a Representative. Captain James Eager chosen. N.B. Mr. Thomas Baker, a Taylor, at work here. N.B. Abraham return’d. N.B. I rode to Mr. Beemans[1] and took up 20£ of Bills of the Colony of Rhode Island, of him, and gave him Bond.
[1]Eleazer Beamon of Westborough.
May 23, 1738
May 24, 1738
1738 May 24 (Wednesday). I rode into the South part of the Town as far as to Mr. Millers where I din’d and to Mr. Samuel Harringtons. N.B. at my returning there was at Captain Fays Mr. Whitman,[1] minister of Farmington, and one of his Sons. N.B. I visited Mr. Samuel Fays wife, but he was himself at New Medfield.
[1]Reverend Samuel Whitman (Harvard 1696). Sibley, IV, 315-317.
May 25, 1738
1738 May 25 (Thursday). Lecture. Repeated Sermon on John 20.28. Church was Stopp’d to receive the answers of the Brethren who were chosen Deacons.[1] They each of them answer’d in the Negative. There was much debating whether we Should accept Such Reasons as they Supported their Denyal with except what Brother Forbush offer’d concerning his Bodily Infirmities which considering the End and Design of our Choosing Deacons was esteemed of avail by all that Spoke. There were so many differing Sentiments that I was oblig’d to offer to them to Dissolve all that had been done hitherto upon the Business and adjourn to this Day fortnight. N.B. Mr. Livermore put down the New Box, which I had of Mr. Reed of Boston, into the Pump, on the long Spire that it might work in the lower Part of the pump.
[1]Thomas Forbush, Jr., and Seth Rice had been elected April 19, 1738.
May 26, 1738
1738 May 26 (Friday). Variously moving about from house to house for Horse and Tackling[1] for my wife to journey with me next week. N.B. The Pump works well and delivers the Water plentifully. N.B. Colonel William Ward[2] here just at Eve.
[1]An old term meaning the harness of a draft animal.
[2]Of that part of Marlborough that became Southborough.
May 27, 1738
1738 May 27 (Saturday). Benjamin Forbush came to lead Horse to plough. Sent him to Ensign Forbush’s for his Horse for my Wife, and succeeded.
May 28, 1738
1738 May 28 (Sunday). Sacrament on Heb. 10.38, and Eph. N.B. Very Seasonable Rain.
May 29, 1738
1738 May 29 (Monday). When the Rain in the Morning permitted, My Wife rode with me first to Mr. Joslins[1] which was a great hindrance to our Journey; then we proceeded to Marlborough, but the Rain prevailed to such a Degree that we were confin’d there all Night. N.B. The Wooden Horse which some of the Rabble had fastened at Colonel Woods’s Door. N.B. Proprietors Meeting but I had not Plot with me. N.B. This Rain a great Mercy.
[1]Joseph Joslin of Westborough.
May 30, 1738
1738 May 30 (Tuesday). We waited till after dinner for weather, but then ventur’d to undertake our Journey. Mr. Cushing of Shrewsbury and Master Harrington in Company. N.B. just at Evening from Captain Wells to Father Champney’s[1] we were in a heavy Shower of Rain. Lodg’d at Cambridge.
[1] Samuel Champney of Cambridge, father of Parkman’s first wife.
May 31, 1738
1738 May 31 (Wednesday). We rode to Boston. Mr. Webb[1] on Isa. 9.6. We din’d at Brother Parkman’s. P.M. an Ague utterly indispos’d me for going abroad till the next Day. So that I was not at the Conventions at Dr. Sewall’s.[2] Lodg’d at Brother Elias’s. N.B. Mr. Weld[3] of Upton and Mr. John Hunt[4] (preacher) Supp’d at Brothers. N.B. Ebenezer Rode with us from Cambridge to Boston, which he had not Seen Since he was a Babe, but he in no wise likes it, because of the Evil Smells etc. He is under great Infirmitys — weak and Sick and a bad cough.
[1]Reverend John Webb of the New North Church.
[2]Reverend Joseph Sewall of the Old South Church.
[3]Reverend Thomas Weld.
[4](Harvard 1734). Hunt did some preaching and then settled down in his home town, Watertown, to become a prosperous merchant and Representative to the General Court. Sibley, IX, 414-418.