June 1, 1738

1738 June 1 (Thursday).  Was not at the Convention, but was at the public Concio by Mr. Barnard[1] of Marblehead on Coloss. 1.18.  The Collection for propagating the Gospel amounted to 207£ .  I din’d at Mr. Edmund Quincy’s[2] where also din’d Colonel Chandler[3] of Worcester.  P.M. I visited my wife’s Aunt Mrs. Loring,[4] and her Kinswoman Mrs. Keggell.[5]  I also waited upon Dr. Delhonde[6] for Ebenezer who remains feeble, Sick and Coughing.  In the Evening I was at Brother Alexander’s where also was my Wife, and we lodged there.

[1]Reverend John Barnard (Harvard 1700), minister of the First Church of Marblehead, 1715-1770.  Sibley, IV, 501-514.

[2](Harvard 1722). A well known resident of Boston. Sibley, VII, 106-116.

[3]John Chandler.

[4]Mrs. Daniel Loring.

[5]Mrs. Parkman’s cousin, Hannah Breck, married Abel Keggell, a merchant of Boston.

[6]Louis Dalhonde, a physician of Boston.

June 2, 1738

1738 June 2 (Friday).  Visited in divers places but particularly was at Mr. Thomas Tylers.[1]  N.B. Discourse of Mr. Pierponts[2] Circumstances and Affairs at New Haven.  P.M. My honored and aged Mother undertook the journey to Westborough with me, my wife riding Single and my mother behind me.  We proceeded as far as Father Champney’s at Cambridge and lodged there, but were oblig’d to leave poor Ebenezer behind at Boston.

[1](Harvard 1730).  A Boston merchant.  Sibley, VIII, 791-793.

[2]James Pierpont, Jr., son of the late Reverend James Pierpont (Harvard 1681) of New Haven.

June 3, 1738

1738 June 3 (Saturday).  We chang’d Horses and my wife rode upon mine and my mother and I upon Ensign Forbushes, and by these means my mother had a very Comfortable Journey, and got up in good Season whilst the sun was a Considerable Height through the great Goodness of God.  N.B. Mr. Prentice[1] of Grafton with us.  N.B. Weeding finish’d in my Absence.

[1]Reverend Solomon Prentice.

June 8, 1738

1738 June 8 (Thursday).  Mr. Prentice of Grafton, his wife, and little son Nathaniel with Mrs. Elizabeth Rolfe of Boston, here and din’d with us.  P.M. was Church meeting.  I was oblig’d to leave the Company.  About 28 members were together.  Brother Nathan Ball would not vote at all.  The First Business was to Choose more Deacons.  Brother Jonathan Forbush was elected by 17 votes out of 26 or 27.  And Brother Josiah Newton by 15.  N.B. I did not my Self vote for either.  Brother Newton answered by way of Acceptance.  I then enquir’d whether the Brother who did not vote or any other of the Church had any material objection against either the Churchs proceeding in this Affair or against the persons elected to be Deacons.  But none was made.  As to the other part of our Business See Church Records.[1]  When I return’d home Mr. Hall of Sutton had been there to request me to preach for him next week.  But All the Company abovesaid were gone off.  N.B. Mr. Joseph Wheeler here after meeting, and we had Some more Discourse about the old Disquietment respecting Jason.  He still goes away disquieted.  A very Cold wind at Eve.  N.B. I hear that this Day Captain Ephraim Williams of Newton with his Family are on their Journey to Houssatunnoc.  N.B. Abraham Moss gone today Upon his Business at Sutton.

[1]‘The church was also concerned with “the Conduct of Mr. Samuel Fay in keeping from our Communion himself, and withholding his Wife therefrom also, although he had permitted her to bind herself thereto by Solemn Covenant.”

June 11, 1738

1738 June 11 (Sunday).  On Consideration of its being the first of our Sending a Representative to the general Court, and that he had obtain’d Liberty to come up, and was now in Town, and on Consideration of our having So much to do in the Affair of Deacons which calls men to Serviceableness, generousness and public Spiritedness, I preach’d on Act. 13.36.  N.B. A great Congregation, many Strangers here, and besides them, many Southborough people, Mr. Stone being gone to Harwich.  Dr. Matthew’s wife[1] din’d with us.

[1]Wife or widow of John Matthews, physician of Marlborough and Southborough.

June 12, 1738

1738 June 12 (Monday).  Captain Ware[1] of Sherborn came over from his Brother Williams’s to See me.  Cathechiz’d at Lieutenent Holloways.  Was at Mr. Billings’s to have a plough made. Fragrant Showers.  Abraham Setting plants, Clearing, etc.

[1]Joseph Ware, prominent citizen and operator of a grist mill in Sherborn.  Abner Morse, Genealogical Register… and History of the Towns of Sherborn and Holliston (Boston, 1856), pp. 253-254.

June 15, 1738

1738 June 15 (Thursday).  My wife rode with me to Grafton.  It look’d showery.  When at Grafton it rain’d too hard for her to proceed with me according to Design, but Mr. Prentice went with me to Sutton Lecture.  I preach’d on 2 Thess. 2.16.17.  N.B. The Church of Sutton dissatisfy’d with Mr. Peres Rice.[1]  Mr. Prentice and I at Mr. Rice’s in the Evening and Justice Dudley[2] there also.  Mr. Prentice and I rode down to Grafton, where I left my Spouse and we lodged there.

[1]A former resident of Westborough.  Son of Thomas Rice.

[2]Paul Dudley, a judge of the Massachusetts Superior Court.

June 20, 1738

1738 June 20 (Tuesday).  Trooping and Training.  Mr. Cushing pray’d with the Foot.  At Association at Southborough, where were Mr. Prentice of Lancaster, Mr. Loring, Mr. Cushing, Mr. Seccomb,[1] Mr. Jabez Fox[2] and Mr. Josiah Brown.[3]  See Association Records.  Mr. Seccomb and Mr. Brown deliver’d each an exercise.

[1]Reverend John Seccomb of Harvard, Mass.

[2](Harvard 1727). Son of the Reverend John Fox of Woburn, Mass.  Jabez did some preaching but was not ordained.  He became the notary public and representative of the port of Falmouth, Maine.  Sibley, VIII, 134-137.

[3]Josiah Brown (Harvard 1735) sometime preacher and schoolmaster of Lancaster and Sterling, Mass.  Sibley, IX, 476-478.

June 21, 1738

1738 June 21 (Wednesday).  Mr. Loring at the public Lecture on 1 Thess. 5.19.  N.B. Colonel Woods[1] and Dr. Stanton Prentice[2] with us.  N.B. receiv’d a Letter from Mr. Timothy Woodbridge Junior[3] at Hartford.

[1]Benjamin Woods of Marlborough.

[2]Stanton Prentice, son of the Reverend John Prentice of Lancaster.  Charles J. F. Binney, The History and Genealogy of the Prentice or Prentiss Family, in New England (Boston, 1852), p. 178.

[3]A tutor at Yale College.

June 29, 1738

1738 June 29 (Thursday).  My wife and Brother Samuel Breck[1] rode with me to Marlborough, the weather being cool, cloudy and pleasant, and we din’d at Dr. Gotts.  P.M. I preach’d to Three societys of young men who were met together at the Meeting House, on Eccl. 11.9.  N.B. Mr. Jabez Fox of Woburn present.  After meeting the Societys Sent me four of their Number with their Gratitude.  N.B. I went to Mr. Peter Butler and agreed with him to make a Side Saddle for my wife, And an Housing for my Self of Homespun Cloth which I carry’d to him.  In our returning home we were late, in the Dark and Wet and alone — but our Family not o’Bed.

[1](Harvard1742).  Parkman’s brother-in-law, who later became a physician at Worcester and Great Barrington.  Sibley, XI, 131-132.