1737 March 18 (Friday). P.M. I rode to Marlborough to Colonel Wood’s.[1] Eve at Dr. Gott’s.[2] Mrs. Gott had been very ill, but is recovering. Mrs. Hannah Breck with her, but I spent my time with the men, scil. the Dr. Coll. and Mr. Daniel Steward.[3] Late in the Evening Deacon Woods[4] came to request me to visit a young woman at his House (Dauter of Mr. Samuel Stow)[5] apprehended to be at the Point of Death. I went, prayed with her etc. I lodged at Colonel Wood’s.
[1]Walett: Colonel Benjamin Woods.
[2]Forbes: Dr. Benj. Gott, a young physician in Marlborough, had married Sarah, daughter of the Rev. Robert Breck. Hannah was a younger sister, at this time being twenty-one years old. Her father had been a good friend of Mr. Parkman, when he first came to Westborough, and was a remarkable man. He was ordained pastor when twenty-two. “As to his learning,” says a writer in the News Letter for January 21, 1731, “I suppose it will be no offence to say, there were few of his standing that were even his equals. He was such a master of the learned languages that he could, and did, frequently, to the capacity of his family, read a Chapter of the Hebrew Bible into English, and the Greek was still easier to him. Pride, hypocrisy and affectation were his aversion; and covetousness was what he was a perfect stranger to. His temper was grave and thoughtful, yet cheerful at times, especially with his friends and acquaintances, and his conversation entertaining and agreeable.”
Mr. Parkman and Mistress Hannah were married September 11, 1737 – all her objections finally overcome. A piece of her wedding dress, and her wedding slippers are still treasured by Mrs. Tuckerman. The dress is a heavy, white gros grain silk – the bodice evidently made with many rows of stitching, between which were run strips of cane.
The slippers are of brocaded silk – a green ground with figures in yellowish white and various shades of red – the heels are high, covered with the silk, and they are lined with a coarse linen.
Walett: Benjamin Gott of Marlborough.
[3]Walett: Daniel Stewart of Marlborough.
[4]Walett: There was no Deacon Woods in Marlborough at this time. James Woods was elected in 1741 and served many years.
[5]Walett: Mary Stow died March 20, 1737.