1737 March 1 (Tuesday). It had been very Icy and now by a snow upon the Ice and it was very Slippery and Troublesome riding. I rode to Mr. Cook’s[1] to fix my Horse. Called at Capt. Forbush’s.[2]
[1]Forbes: Cornelius Cook, the blacksmith, was living at this time in the house still standing on the corner of East-Main and Lyman streets. This house was deeded to Cook, by his father-in-law, Thomas Forbush, in 1732, with four acres of land, for £4. 5s. Cornelius was the father of the famous Tom Cook. (See Aug. 27, 1779.)
He had eight other children: Jonathan, the oldest, was the father of Molly Cook, almost as well known for her eccentricities as her uncle Thomas.
Walett: Cornelius Cook, the blacksmith of Westborough.
[2]Forbes: Capt. Forbush was Samuel Forbush, and he lived in the house now standing on the corner of Lyman Street and the Turnpike. The house has been enlarged since his day, but is probably the oldest in town. For many years it was used as a tavern. Samuel Forbush was a brother of Thomas, both of them being among the original settlers of Westborough.
Walett: Samuel Forbush.