July 29, 1736

1736 July 29 (Thursday).  I had borrowed Neighbour Seth Rice’s[1] old Horse for Deborah, and this mare with Capt. Warrin she rode up to Dr. Green[2] at Leicester to take his Advice about her Health.  Lowery weather and some times [shining?] a little.  I was at Ensign Maynards at Eve.  N.B. Mrs. Maynard concerning Deborah.

[1]Seth Rice was b. Oct. 1, 1705, son of Edmond and Ruth Rice (MVR, 160); d. Feb. 18, 1796, a. 90 (NVR, 147).  He and his wife Dorothy owned the covenant and their daughter Persis was baptized, Dec. 8, 1728 (WCR, 16).  They were admitted to communion, June 27, 1731 (WCR, 27).

[2]Dr. Thomas Green (1699-1773) was born in Malden; was received as a member of the First Baptist Church, Boston, Nov. 7, 1731; and was dismissed to form new church in Sutton, Aug. 3, 1735.  He was ordained at Sutton, Sept. 28, 1737.  Emory Washburn, Topographical and Historical Sketches of the Town of Leicester, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Furnished for the Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal (Worcester: Rogers & Griffin, 1826), 31; The Greenville Baptist Church in Leicester, Massachusetts, 1738-1888. Exercises on the 150th Anniversary of Its Formation, September 28, 1888, including a Historical Discourse by the Pastor and Addresses Commemorative of its First Pastor, Rev. Thomas Green, M.D. (Worcester: C. F. Lawrence & Co., 1889).