July 16, 1736

1736 July 16 (Friday).  Mr. Stone and I had some brotherly, friendly Discourse with Mr. F.  When Mr. F. had left us a while and we went in to the Council — there was an hint as if Mr. F. began to see Things in another Light.  Presently we understood he was humbling himself before the Brethren up in the Chamber, and that they were [smitten?] with it and were in Tears with him.  It was presently proved to be so by his and their coming in Voluntarily before the Council and on both sides they were very free and full in their mutual Submissions and forgiveness.  The Council were put to it to know how to behave upon this Surprizing Occasion.  Our Bus[i]ness was to draw up Confessions for them both to sign, and to prepare our Result, as affairs now were, through the wondrous power and Goodness of God turned — We went to the House of God with great Joy and rejoicing.  Read the Confessions and Our Result.  Prayed and gave Glory to God and Sang Ps. 51.17 — to the End.  Mr. Frink made a brief Speech of Thanks etc. as did the Brethren.  The Moderator with a Short Speech closed all and Dissolved the Council.

Not to us, O Lord, Not to us, but unto Thy Name be the Glory.  And let thy Saints be Confirmed in their Faith and Trust in God who fulfills his Gracious Promise to his Church and to his Ministers.  Lo I am with you alwayes unto the End of the World![1]  We dined and received the personal gratefull acknowledgments of Some considerable number of the Brethren, who behaved with great Decency, even remarkably — upon this we all took leave, praising God who had succeeded us, and wishing them his Grace that they might be confirmed in Love, be established in Holiness and abound therein more and more.  It proved a rainy afternoon, but we kept along.  Stopped a little at Mr. Cushings.  Mr. Stone and Coll. Ward stopped but a little while at my House but Mr. Baxter and Deacon Barber tarried all night.

[1]Matthew 28.20: “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”