July 28, 1736

1736 July 28 (Wednesday).  Deborah’s Indispositions continuing, I rode down to Mr. Chamberlains to get ‘Hittey Coddington to come and keep my House in Case Deborah Shall go away to the Doctors.  I visited Divers Neighbours in that Corner.  N.B. Mr. Joslin[1] went with me to the Hunters Cave in a Great Rock about a mile North of his House; and which one might imagine resembles the Cave which Paul the Hermit dwelt in for XCIII Years, as St. Hierom, who writes his Life, informs us.  Vid. Hiron. Epist. Famil.  I visited also Mr. Isaac Johnson the least of whose Children was very ill of a Fever and Flux.[2]  Cloudy, Heavy weather but not much Rain.  David Mowing at home.

[1]Joseph Joslin owned the covenant; his wife Katharine was admitted to communion; and their daughter Mary was baptized, Jan. 29, 1727 (WCR, 5).  He died May 27, 1761 (WVR, 245), and after her remarriage to Israel Allen of Shrewsbury, May 3, 1764 (WVR, 174), Katharine was dismissed to the Shrewsbury church, Apr. 28, 1771 (WCR, 151).

[2]Isaac, son of Isaac and Rachel (Thomas) Johnson of Southborough, was born Feb. 28, 1736 (Southborough VR, 47)