1736 July 15 (Thursday). Various hearings of [these?] Complaints of Mr. Frink, and the Peoples Defence. [Finish?] Brethrens Affair [Fentons?] Case issued in the Church, with the Assistance of Rev. Mr. Hall and Coll. William Ward — but the Council was adjourned to Mr. F______’s House and there kept upon Business. <Word crossed out.> The Council in great Perplexity and Distress in the Evening at the Prospect of the Desperate State of this Flock. We dealt plainly and freely with Mr. F________ when we were favoured with opportunity. When the Brethren came to us to have the hearing of the particulars under the Sixth Article of Mr. F_____s Complaint, they were exceedingly [illegible]d and impatient with Mr. F. Were heartily willing to throw all the matter into the Arms of the Council; for it became evident that Mr. F. made a most lame, trifling Defence — and more and more exposed himself the more he undertook to Defend or prove any Thing. Divers of the Church resolved not to hear Mr. F. again. Matters at a Dreadful Extremity. The Brethren would by no means hear of our Dissolving — and we could not adjourn without we provided other preaching for them until we should meet again etc. 11 or 12 o’Clock when the Church was adjourned. We were not able to [illegible] –adjourned the Council (in great Distress of Heart) to tomorrow Morning Six o’Clock.