1736 July 1 (Thursday). Old Mr. Rice came to me and brought me 30/ for himself and sons, Charles and Beriah and Noah: and 10/ anonymous.
Month: July 1736
July 2, 1736
1736 July 2 (Friday). [No entry.]
July 3, 1736
1736 July 3 (Saturday). Mr. Stone, of Southborough came Suddenly upon me and desired me to Change. I was loth to leave my Family so long as I must if I proceed from Southborough in the Beginning of the week, upon my Journey. At Eve I rode to Southborough.
July 4, 1736
July 5, 1736
1736 July 5 (Monday). I rode up to Mrs. Hannah Brecks, and bought Two well fleshed Piggs, at 16/ per. David Batherick according to my Order came down with Panniers to transport the Piggs in. Mr. Caleb Rice and Mr. Diman were my Company in my Journey as far as Weston; as was likewise Mr. Joseph Rice[1] Representative for the Town of Marlborough. I turned from the Company to Mr. William Williams and dined There. N.B. Our Discourse of his Denyal to go to Rutland. Mr. Seccomb of Harvard there. I had his Company to Waterton. To F. Champneys. Mrs. Susan Champney came at Evening from Boston.
[1]Joseph Rice served as Marlborough’s representative to the General Court, 1733-1736, 1739 (Hudson, History of Marlborough, 284).
July 6, 1736
1736 July 6 (Tuesday). I rode to Boston. My Honored and dear Parent [mother] in Excellent Health and Comfort through the Great Goodness of God. But Brother Samuels Son and Daughter (both of them) very much out of Health and removed to Cambridge to Mr. More’s. I Supped and lodged at Brother Elias’s. My Horse at Mr. Larkins at Charleston.
July 7, 1736
1736 July 7 (Wednesday). Commencement. I rode up to Cambridge in the Morning. I traded with Mr. Lambson at Neck of Land, for Two pair Grave Stones. Divers young Ladies and Gentlemen at F. Champneys. Mrs. Sarah Mountfort with her Brother — Mrs. Betty Ellis and Mr. Thomas Goldthwait — and some others. I walked over with them. N.B. At Noon in the Hall, the President[1] would have room Made for the Representatives, and directed many up into the Library, where there was no room for them. But I kept my Scituation in the Hall. P.M. N.B. The unusual Opposition, and Contest between the Corporation and Overseers respecting Mr. Hartshorne’s[2] having his Degree. I lodged at F. Champneys. A very Public Commencement and a great deal of Company. But Hartshorne, and the Governours[3] hasty withdraw from the middst of the Public Exercise, the Grand Subject of all Talk.
[1]Benjamin Wadsworth (1670-1637, Harvard 1690; SHG, 83-91.
[2]Ebenezer Hartshorn, Harvard 1732. Hartshorn left Harvard during his sophomore year and later appealed, ultimately successfully, to receive his M.A. SHG, 9:164-66.
[3]Governor Jonathan Belcher (1682-1757), Harvard 1698; SHG, 4:434-49.
July 8, 1736
1736 July 8 (Thursday). Commencement Entertainments and Company hold Strong to Day. Very many People from Boston to Day. I din’d with my old Friend Mrs. Winslow at her sons Chamber — Sir Winslow[1] — Mr. John Winslow from Plymouth there. But the Colonel was confined by great Indispositions. P.M. I Set out from F. Champneys. Overtook <word crossed out> Mr. Stone of Southborough and Mr. C. Rice in Waterton. It was about 5 o’Clock. Mr. Rice and I proceeded up to Marlborough this Evening and I lodged with him. N.B. we got to Marlborough at about 11 at night.
[1]Edward Winslow (1714-1784), Harvard 1736. SHG, 10:100-09.
July 9, 1736
1736 July 9 (Friday). Mr. Rice walked with me to Mrs. Hannah Brecks. N.B. N.B. N.B. About noon I took leave and hastened home. See a Poem I wrote Part of, upon Barns’s, or Bent’s Hill.
July 10, 1736
1736 July 10 (Saturday). Plying my Books Diligently.
July 11, 1736
1736 July 11 (Sunday). On 1 Cor. 14.15.
July 12, 1736
1736 July 12 (Monday). I had tackled my Horse and was ready to Mount to go to Marlborough when Mr. Baxter and Deacon Barber,[1] of Medfield came to my House. I laid aside my Intentions and waited upon my Company. They dined with me. P.M. Mr. Stone and Coll. Ward Came — all upon the Journey to Rutland. I Sent to Lieut. Bakers and to Mr. Tainters for an Horse, but in Vain. At last I set out with them and rode to Shrewsbury where I tarried to get my Horse shod but the Company proceeded to Rutland. I lodged at Mr. Cushings.
[1]Capt. Samuel Barber was elected deacon of the Medfield church in 1710; George Barber was elected deacon in 1721 (Worthley, Inventiory, 360).
July 13, 1736
1736 July 13 (Tuesday). Mr. Wheeler (appointed to be the Delegate of our Church) and Lieutenant Holloway came to Mr. Cushings and we proceeded on our Journey to Rutland and got up some little while before Noon. When Mr. Hall of Sutton and that Churchs delegates were come we chose Mr. Baxter Moderator of this Council: And they were pleased to choose me Clerk, but I requested that <word crossed out> Mr. Hall might be elected Clerk also to assist me. Which was done. And then we proceeded to the Meeting House. See the Minutes of the Council.
July 14, 1736
1736 July 14 (Wednesday). Various Hearings of Mr. Frinks Grievances and Peoples Answers. But most of all the Affair of Capt. Wright[1] etc. took up our Time to Day, in public and private. We were So happy as to See the Great Bone of this Snarling Contention removed Scil: The Quarrel between Capt. Wright and his wife and Capt. Stevens and his Wife.[2] The Two former gave Confessions, and the last, but Capt. Stevens was cleared by a vote of the Church. But the great Trouble of Mr. F’s remove remained.
[1]Rev. Thomas Frink mar. Isabell, daughter of Capt. Samuel and Mary Wright. Capt. Wright was a leading figure in the founding of Rutland and its church, having served as the town’s first moderator, town clerk, clerk of the market, and one of its first selectmen, as well as the first signatory on the church’s covenant; Jonas Reed, A History of Rutland, Worcester County, Massachusetts, from Is Earliest Settlement, with a Biography of its First Settlers (Worcester, MA: Mirick & Bartlett, 1836), History of Rutland, 27, 78.
[2]Probably Joseph and Prudence Stevens. Like Samuel Wright, Stevens was a leading figure in Rutland as well as a deacon in the church. See Reed, History of Rutland, 101-102.
July 15, 1736
1736 July 15 (Thursday). Various hearings of [these?] Complaints of Mr. Frink, and the Peoples Defence. [Finish?] Brethrens Affair [Fentons?] Case issued in the Church, with the Assistance of Rev. Mr. Hall and Coll. William Ward — but the Council was adjourned to Mr. F______’s House and there kept upon Business. <Word crossed out.> The Council in great Perplexity and Distress in the Evening at the Prospect of the Desperate State of this Flock. We dealt plainly and freely with Mr. F________ when we were favoured with opportunity. When the Brethren came to us to have the hearing of the particulars under the Sixth Article of Mr. F_____s Complaint, they were exceedingly [illegible]d and impatient with Mr. F. Were heartily willing to throw all the matter into the Arms of the Council; for it became evident that Mr. F. made a most lame, trifling Defence — and more and more exposed himself the more he undertook to Defend or prove any Thing. Divers of the Church resolved not to hear Mr. F. again. Matters at a Dreadful Extremity. The Brethren would by no means hear of our Dissolving — and we could not adjourn without we provided other preaching for them until we should meet again etc. 11 or 12 o’Clock when the Church was adjourned. We were not able to [illegible] –adjourned the Council (in great Distress of Heart) to tomorrow Morning Six o’Clock.
July 16, 1736
1736 July 16 (Friday). Mr. Stone and I had some brotherly, friendly Discourse with Mr. F. When Mr. F. had left us a while and we went in to the Council — there was an hint as if Mr. F. began to see Things in another Light. Presently we understood he was humbling himself before the Brethren up in the Chamber, and that they were [smitten?] with it and were in Tears with him. It was presently proved to be so by his and their coming in Voluntarily before the Council and on both sides they were very free and full in their mutual Submissions and forgiveness. The Council were put to it to know how to behave upon this Surprizing Occasion. Our Bus[i]ness was to draw up Confessions for them both to sign, and to prepare our Result, as affairs now were, through the wondrous power and Goodness of God turned — We went to the House of God with great Joy and rejoicing. Read the Confessions and Our Result. Prayed and gave Glory to God and Sang Ps. 51.17 — to the End. Mr. Frink made a brief Speech of Thanks etc. as did the Brethren. The Moderator with a Short Speech closed all and Dissolved the Council.
Not to us, O Lord, Not to us, but unto Thy Name be the Glory. And let thy Saints be Confirmed in their Faith and Trust in God who fulfills his Gracious Promise to his Church and to his Ministers. Lo I am with you alwayes unto the End of the World![1] We dined and received the personal gratefull acknowledgments of Some considerable number of the Brethren, who behaved with great Decency, even remarkably — upon this we all took leave, praising God who had succeeded us, and wishing them his Grace that they might be confirmed in Love, be established in Holiness and abound therein more and more. It proved a rainy afternoon, but we kept along. Stopped a little at Mr. Cushings. Mr. Stone and Coll. Ward stopped but a little while at my House but Mr. Baxter and Deacon Barber tarried all night.
[1]Matthew 28.20: “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
July 17, 1736
1736 July 17 (Saturday). Mr. Baxter and Deacon Barber took leave, though the Rain was not over. However it cleared up anon and I hope they had an happy Journey home. I composed one Sermon, but could not another having divers Interruptions by persons with me.
July 18, 1736
1736 July 18 (Sunday). Sacrament. A.M. on Song 2.16. P.M. Repeated Sermon 623 (on Lev. 19.30) from Isa. 58.13.14. With the whole Service (there having been several admitted into the Church to Day, besides the usual Exercises)[1] I was much fatigued and Spent at Night. Samuel Allen Sick of the Distemper, and he was prayed for.
[1]July 18, 1736: “Josiah Russell and Mercy his wife offered Confessions of the Sin of Violating the 7th Commandment and were restored and they were likewise admitted into our Communion: as were Noah Rice and Stephen Fay, at the Same Time. Then the Sacrament of the L. Supper was administered” (WCR, 43).
July 19, 1736
1736 July 19 (Monday). [No entry.]
July 20, 1736
1736 July 20 (Tuesday). Mehetabel Coddington waited upon Mrs. Molly Potter to see Me this Afternoon.
July 21, 1736
1736 July 21 (Wednesday). I visited Jesse Brigham and wife[1] — and Mr. Allens Family. N.B. not only his son [Samuel?][2] but his Daughters Abiel[3] and Susan[4] were also sick but neither of them very bad. P.M. I was hurried about for Hay because of a great Thunder Storm which began to come up when I was over at Mr. Allens. After the Storm I rode down to Mr. Chamberlains[5] (where Mrs. Molly Cotton[6] was, and whom I had purposed to wait on, with Mrs. Hammond from Newton). A very Decent Entertainment for me. Every Thing very flourishing with them. N.B. David Bathrick began at my Meadow. While I was gone from home Mr. Burr[7] of Wor’ster came, as he was upon his Journey to Boston, and threw his Dependence upon me to preach his Lecture tomorrow. I have been so much from home of Late that I Should have very much declined it if I could have seen him.
[1]Jesse Brigham married Bethyah Rice, June 4, 1734 (MVR,230). She was b. Aug. 13, 1712, dau. of Jacob and Mary Rice of Marlborough (MVR, 153). She was dismissed to the North precinct (Northborough), Aug. 17, 1746 (WCR, 77). She d. Dec. 19, 1794, 83 y., 4 m., 3 d. (NVR, 129).
[2]Samuel Allen, son of Ephraim and Susanna Allen, b. Sept. 7, 1720.
[3]Also spelled Abihail. She mar. Jotham Maynard, June 19, 1740. WVR, 116.
[4]Susanna Allen, daughter of Ephraim and Susanna Allen, b. Aug. 31, 1723.
[5]Probably Ebenezer Chamberlain, who was admitted into Westborough church, having been dismissed from Newton, June 3, 1736.
[6]Mary (Gibbs) Cotton, dau. of Robert Gibbs, a Boston merchant, and wife of John Cotton (1693-1757), Harvard 1710, minister of Newton, 1714-1757. SHG, 5:517-24.
[7]Isaac Burr (1697-1751), Yale 1717, minister of Worcester, 1725-1745, Windsor, Conn., 1747-1751. DYG, 1:163-65.
July 22, 1736
1736 July 22 (Thursday). I rode to Mr. Cushings and perswaded him to afford me his Company to Wor’ster. I preached on Mat. 24.44. N.B. No Cusheon. After Lecture we were refreshed at Mr. [blank] Ward’s and Coll. Chandler very handsomely invited us to his House. We waited upon him there till the Edge of Evening and took Leave. I lodged at Mr. Cushings.
July 23, 1736
1736 July 23 (Friday). David at the Meadow Yesterday and to Day.
July 24, 1736
1736 July 24 (Saturday). Deborah So ill that she did not get out of Bed all Day. Sister Hicks came up. Sweated her. Sarah Ward came up from Mr. Maynards and tended her Sister. David and Brother Hicks at my Meadow.
July 25, 1736
1736 July 25 (Sunday). Isa. 58.13.14. Deborah Somewhat (and but Somewhat) better. Sarah Ward with us.
July 26, 1736
1736 July 26 (Monday). Sarah went to Mr. Maynards again this Morning, for Deborah was about house again, though weak and feeble and discouraged. David at Meadow. Mrs. Maynard here at Eve. Rainy in the Night. N.B. Mr. John Swift junior,[1] Hill[2] (a young Scholer) and Capt. Flagg of Wor’ster here.
[1]John Swift, Jr. (1714-1775), Harvard 1733, minister of Acton, 1738-1775. SHG, 9:333-36.
[2]Abraham Hill (1719-1788), Harvard 1737, minister of Shutesbury, Mass., 1742-1778. SHG, 10:196-201.
July 27, 1736
1736 July 27 (Tuesday). Rainy most of the Day. David mowing at home. N.B. My Hay at the Meadow was got into Stack last Saturday and Yesterday, except 7 or 8 Cocks of it [place?] [illegible] Rains.
July 28, 1736
1736 July 28 (Wednesday). Deborah’s Indispositions continuing, I rode down to Mr. Chamberlains to get ‘Hittey Coddington to come and keep my House in Case Deborah Shall go away to the Doctors. I visited Divers Neighbours in that Corner. N.B. Mr. Joslin[1] went with me to the Hunters Cave in a Great Rock about a mile North of his House; and which one might imagine resembles the Cave which Paul the Hermit dwelt in for XCIII Years, as St. Hierom, who writes his Life, informs us. Vid. Hiron. Epist. Famil. I visited also Mr. Isaac Johnson the least of whose Children was very ill of a Fever and Flux.[2] Cloudy, Heavy weather but not much Rain. David Mowing at home.
[1]Joseph Joslin owned the covenant; his wife Katharine was admitted to communion; and their daughter Mary was baptized, Jan. 29, 1727 (WCR, 5). He died May 27, 1761 (WVR, 245), and after her remarriage to Israel Allen of Shrewsbury, May 3, 1764 (WVR, 174), Katharine was dismissed to the Shrewsbury church, Apr. 28, 1771 (WCR, 151).
[2]Isaac, son of Isaac and Rachel (Thomas) Johnson of Southborough, was born Feb. 28, 1736 (Southborough VR, 47)
July 29, 1736
1736 July 29 (Thursday). I had borrowed Neighbour Seth Rice’s[1] old Horse for Deborah, and this mare with Capt. Warrin she rode up to Dr. Green[2] at Leicester to take his Advice about her Health. Lowery weather and some times [shining?] a little. I was at Ensign Maynards at Eve. N.B. Mrs. Maynard concerning Deborah.
[1]Seth Rice was b. Oct. 1, 1705, son of Edmond and Ruth Rice (MVR, 160); d. Feb. 18, 1796, a. 90 (NVR, 147). He and his wife Dorothy owned the covenant and their daughter Persis was baptized, Dec. 8, 1728 (WCR, 16). They were admitted to communion, June 27, 1731 (WCR, 27).
[2]Dr. Thomas Green (1699-1773) was born in Malden; was received as a member of the First Baptist Church, Boston, Nov. 7, 1731; and was dismissed to form new church in Sutton, Aug. 3, 1735. He was ordained at Sutton, Sept. 28, 1737. Emory Washburn, Topographical and Historical Sketches of the Town of Leicester, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Furnished for the Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal (Worcester: Rogers & Griffin, 1826), 31; The Greenville Baptist Church in Leicester, Massachusetts, 1738-1888. Exercises on the 150th Anniversary of Its Formation, September 28, 1888, including a Historical Discourse by the Pastor and Addresses Commemorative of its First Pastor, Rev. Thomas Green, M.D. (Worcester: C. F. Lawrence & Co., 1889).
July 30, 1736
1736 July 30 (Friday). Cloudy, Dark weather yet, and so rainy as to take David very much off from his Mowing. He made a step at the Front Door. Bekky Hicks does our work in Deborahs Absence. At Eve Capt. Warrin and Deborah Ward returned from Dr. Greens.