May 28, 1736

1736 May 28 (Friday).  Mr. Stanton Prentice[1] of Lancaster my Company from F. Champneys.  We rode to Capt. John Jackson’s at Newton – dined there.  Called at old Mr. Abraham Jacksons.  N.B. Mrs. [Burrydell?] Jackson[2] there.  Called at Mr. Williams[3] of Weston.  N.B. Mr. Convers and Seccomb[4] there.  I think it was 5 o’Clock when we set out thence.  N.B. Abraham Nutt my Company up to Westborough.  Got up by about 10 o’Clock.

[1]Stanton Prentice, b. 1711, son of Rev. John Prentice of Lancaster; d. Dec. 1, 1769, AEt’s, 58; Abijah P. Marvin, History of the Town of Lancaster, Massachusetts: from the Frist Settlement to the Present Time, 1643-1879 (Lancaster, 1879), 645.

[2]Mrs. Borridell [dup. Borodel, int. Borredell] Jackson mar. Samuel Jackson, Mars. 16, 1738; Vital Records of Newton, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850 (Boston: New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 1905), 317.

[3]William Williams, Jr. (1688-1760), Harvard 1705, minister of Weston, 1709-1750.  SHG, 5:295-300.

[4]John Seccomb (1708-1792), Harvard 1728, minister of Harvard, 1733-1757, Chester, Nova Scotia, 1759-1792 .  SHG 8:481-90.